Who were the Bavarian Iluminatti? Instigators of French and following Revolutions? Chaos? NWO?

3 months ago

The Bavarian Iluminatti. Secret Society. Founders: Adan Weishaupt &
Adolph Freiger Kniegge, 18th century.
The Five Aims of the Illuminati:
1. Abolition of Monarchy and all ordered governments: all govts organized according to traditional regimes.
2. Abolition of private property and inheritance, suppression of inheritance rights,
3. Abolition of patriotism and replacement by a world government
4. Abolition of the family (of marriage and of all morality, and the institution of communal education of children)
5. Abolition of religion

Books mentioned:
Augustin Barruel's "Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism",
Nesta Webster: “World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization",
John Robinson: "Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe" ,
Joachim of Fiore: "The Three Ages",
Tommaso Campanella: "The City of the Sun".
Joel Magaldi: "Masons"
Paul Koch: "‘Illuminati: Secrets of the Most Feared Sect by the Catholic Church"
Robert Wilson and Robert Shea: "Illuminatus Trilogy"
Father Antonio Gómez Mir: Series of Lectures on the Bavarian Iluminatti. YouTube Channel: Stat Crux
#iluminatti, #secretsocieties, #frenchrevolution, #BavarianIluminatti, #freemasons, #conspiracytheories,

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