Senior Man Dives Into A Swimming Pool

6 years ago

When summer arrives, I absolutely love spending all of my free time at the pool, and I think I'm not the only one. The senior man in this video absolutely loves the swimming pool and he ain't afraid to show it! He's having so much fun, and I'm so glad he decided to share this video with us. He was on the swimming pool on a hot summer day, and decided to dive into the pool. He went up on the board, and was preparing to do his glorious jump. But, this is not an ordinary dive into the swimming pool. First, he sat on the board, and then dove into the pool! WOW! What an amazing trick! And he did it perfectly! Wish I could do this, but unfortunately, my skills aren't that great. When at a pool, all I do is swim all day and sit next to the swimming pool. But I have to say, I'm completely fine with that. LOL!

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