Boy Cries Because A Dog Ate His Homework

6 years ago

Even though I absolutely loved school, there were moments when I was very lazy and didn't want to go. Luckily, my parents would always convince me to get up, do my homework, and go to school. Today, I'm very thankful for that, but at that time, it seemed like such a problem. I remember going to school without my homework a couple of times, and I always used the same excuse. Which one? Well, I think the one we've all used and it's probably the funniest one ever "My dog ate my homework". LOL! Of course, nobody believed us, but we tried. That counts, right? Well, the boy in this video is crying because apparently, his dog actually ate his homework. Oh, no! I never thought I would get to see this happen to someone. And the little one looks so upset. Oh, poor guy! Well, I guess he'll know better next time, and put his homework somewhere his dog won't be able to reach it.

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