987. Doing Everything Jesus Said (Hypocrisy Exposed)

3 months ago

When church folks advocate and attempt to indoctrinate that we are required to keep and obey *everything* Jesus said, there is a very apparent and glaring problem with this mindset. You may have noticed ... *they aren't doing it themselves.* Hypocrisy is exposed but usually ignored, as the very thing they are touting is really just a selective version of pick and choose as they deceive themselves into thinking they are "doers" who end up landing in a pile of filthy rags known as self-righteousness.

We don't ignore or dismiss the words of Jesus. But much of what He said to Jewish people who were still under an unprofitable law of works before the cross needs to be considered in the proper context rather than trying to "Christianize" it into something that leaves believers today misinformed and off track. Jesus did not come with a new set of rules that would be harder and more challenging than the commands from the Mosaic law that nobody had ever successfully kept.

--Available on Amazon - "Clash of The Covenants: Escaping Religious Bondage Through the Grace Guarantee" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0713ZSKY7

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