12/01/2024 Dr. Marcus on his predictions, past and present, concerning Ukraine

3 months ago

12 Jan 2024
In this talk, Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos reiterated what he has said about Ukraine on television, in speeches, in articles, and in books for nearly two decades now; namely, that the lands which comprise Ukraine will all or will mostly be reincorporated into Russia. Indeed, as he said, that process is already underway. Dr. Marcus said that the Russian Army will advance to and capture the oblasts of Zhitomir and Vinnitsa, meaning that three-quarters of Ukraine will be absorbed by Russia. What will happen to the rest of Ukraine after Zhitomir and Vinnitsa is, according to Dr. Marcus, difficult to say, and he explained why. Finally, Dr. Marcus castigated Western politicians, journalists, and so-called experts in the West, referring to them as paid useful idiots who care only about pursuing their lustful desires.

Copyright 2024 Dr Marcus Papadopolous. This video and its description are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License.

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