Freedom Found through Christ (pt. 2)

2 months ago

As we are learning, Paul gives us the ability to see beyond what our eyes are telling us. On the surface we think that Paul is addressing marriage. But, Paul is also addressing the relationship between sin and the law. The Law comes from God and we need to respect the Law in every way. But the Law of Moses in the NT has been reduced to the Ten Commandments through Jesus Christ. These ten laws or commandments should never be ignored or treated as insignificant.

Paul states that our relationship with Christ is like a marriage. Just like in marriage our dedication to developing a strong relationship with Christ should be a top priority. The assertion Paul is making is that when you follow the law, the law will have dominion over you for the rest of your days. This assertion is demonstrated through Paul’s example of the marriage model to express what our relationship with Christ should look like.

Leaning on Christ for all of our needs while each day growing closer to God is of the utmost importance. Further, we should only be married to one while maintaining our loyalty to God first and then to the husband or wife God has brought to us. One of the most important points that Paul makes in his argument is that we are no longer married to the world when we receive Christ. He further instructs us that if we are, divorcing ourselves from the world and the Law should come quickly and succinctly.

In the days of Moses and throughout the OT the Law has purpose. It provided indicators showing us how we are living our lives. Many Jewish people follow the law today using it as an instruction set in determining how well you live your life. It is used to determine how strong or weak your relationship with God is. It is the tool for which we gauge our relationship with the almighty God in heaven.

We will always fall short of the law, and the law therefore reveals the power of sin, our own helplessness, and the need for someone to liberate us from our miserable state. God puts in place His laws as boundaries in how we should be living our lives. God gave us these laws so we may recognize the difference between living righteously with God and living in sin.

Unfortunately, the Law does not have the ability to forgive sins. Forgiveness comes in another way. God knew that there was not a clear path to forgiveness until the birth, life, death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ. It is through Christ that salvation is secured. It is through Jesus Christ that we are forgiven of our sins. It is through Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ that we can make it to the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus life and His death on the cross did not replace the Law but Jesus fulfilled the Law (Matthew 5:17). Once we understand the true purpose of Jesus and how His life, death and resurrection will dramatically change our lives we can grow closer to God in Christ without fear of death. Our debt has been paid and we are here to honor Jesus with the way we live our lives. It is not what you have amassed in this life that is going to matter. It is the treasures we are storing in heaven that is important (Matthew 6:20)

The choice is ours and it has always been ours to make. God is waiting for you to choose. With the choice to live for Christ we will have a new Spirit, we will have a new home in heaven and most importantly we will have a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ which puts us on the path to living with the Triune God for eternity.

My prayer is that our focus would be on the Lord Jesus Christ. That our eyes will turn away from the distractions of the world. I pray that we Jesus through the Ten Commandments we hear the voice of Jesus every time we read them. I pray our hearts are filled with the love of God and that we may share His love with others. I pray that we would come together as true believers to follow Jesus Christ representing His commandments, His love and His teachings to the best of our ability and without guilt or shame. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray Amen! Amen!

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