Kuya Kalbo SF6 Custom Set with PhoShizzle Part 4. Good close matches with Akuma & Chun Li

3 months ago

Kuya Kalbo presents: SF6 Custom Set with PhoShizzle. Really look forward to these custom set with a overall great player that enjoys the game like I do. Learning from each other and seeing that progress has been great to see. Big take aways is both of us were able to capitalize on what we learned from each other and gave it back. PhoShizzle can't wait for the next set, might not be available during Thanksgiving week but most likely the week after. Enjoy the set. I know we both did.

If you enjoyed this video and would like to have a custom set to figure out the match-up with Chun Li and featured on this channel, please let me know and we can set it up, see Capcom ID below or send an email on the channel's info page. See you next set PhoShizzle :)

Playing on PC using Classic Controls, on Hori Arcade Stick.
Follow me in-game Capcom ID: Puyat76 on PC.

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