Older Sister Pushes Brother Down the Slide

6 years ago

If you have a brother or a sister, you probably know a thing or two about siblings rivalry. This video is a fine example of it! Here you’ll see a brother and sister and only one slide. Apparently, that is a big problem!\nThe younger brother is preparing to go down the slide. However, the older sister has absolutely the same idea. But the brother is stalling a bit. He is at the top of the slide and he is really taking his time. The older sis climbs the slide with one not so kind idea. She wants to push her little brother off the slide. However, here comes the instant karma! Just as she was close to her goal, she fell down! LOL! See, one should never mess with karma. Well, this is a normal sister - brother dynamics. If you have a brother or a sister, you probably know what I am talking about… LOL!

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