Voice of Strength I have no shame

3 months ago

Maj. Saphira Ocasio, with the 200th Military Police Command, shares her personal story about how a struggle with her sexual identity brought her face-to-face with thoughts of suicide. This story is part of a series of videos for "Voices of Strength," a campaign produced by the 200th MP Command's Suicide Prevention and Public Affairs Staff Offices. The video series offers a revamped look at suicide prevention, using real, unscripted stories of U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers involved with suicide, either through personal thoughts or attempts, the loss of a loved one, loss of a Soldier, or through the perspective of the investigative officers. The goal of these videos is to offer new content for suicide prevention training and discussion during unit training activities to reduce suicide rates across the force.

Visit the Military Crisis Line for help and resources:

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The Army Mission – our purpose – remains constant: To deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars by providing ready, prompt and sustained land dominance by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the joint force.

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