Hey You !

3 months ago


Sounds - Solunastar and Grageband
Voce - Solunastar
Text - Solunastar
Images - Haiper

Lyrx :

Wake up at dawn and I roll ma´ plant !
Brew the water and I start ma´ chant
Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha
Love is kind love is good love is right cha !

Even if I don’t see the son
Scandinavian skies on the run
Grey skies on a silver crown
Never ever gonna put me down

I got cocoa and rhythms like Goa
Doing the boogy all day long and moving like boa
Chimidhy ciao ciao , and chimidhy how how !
Even the haters saying Hey and bow bow !

I love meeee - im my best friend
Beginning and the end , in the flesh send
Who am I to say no to this wonder ?
Who are you ? Don’t tell me just wonder !

Hey you Lets turn things around
When everything is upside-down
Sun is shining anyway
Even on a cloudy day ! X 3

I got cocoa Peru style beans
Recommended for the old and the teens !
Im an old teenager , don’t care whatchya think
Better be careful whith that pink drink

Forever sane and totally in-sane
I plan my day like pinky and the brain !
Take over take over ta…ta. Ta ke over the plane
´Couse I love me and that’s no shame !

What a day to alive brother !
What a day to hug hug each other
Show that you care and breathe in the air
Time has come to be aware !

How about some dancing in the streets ?
How about some joy for the kids !
Willingly willingly -we we willingly happy
Tell the tale of the wiggling tail of my dog Chappy !

Hey you ! Lets turn things around
When everything is upside-down
Sun is shining anyway
Even on a cloudy day ! X 3

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