Channeling “A gardener grey Tuatha Dé Danann” from an ORB

3 months ago

Future Earth. Well, we really need that future earth NOW. I have taken my summer to curate a nine part lecture series of fun and spark, filled with colour and imagination and how to’s to bring that NEW EARTH just a little closer to home. We need new ways of living. Living which does not continually exhaust or harm us, but instead, nurtures, respects and brings new life into our families. A special coupon of 50% off “Medicine” makes this not so very difficult. My wisdom, experience as landscape architect, researcher, educator, gardener, maker and artist is wrapped into this package of nine LIVING as MEDICINE lectures.
(And for Christmas and Thanksgiving -and because this is one of the first University courses, with “Medicine” as a coupon code, you will be getting 50% off, at $49.95 )

Having been visited ( literally informed to start filming…) by a flying entity, I analysed the image as best I could via image enhancement techniques (contrast, and colour-tuning), and decided, on seeing the clearly geometric ‘technological’ forms revealing themselves as well as an obvious face, it was time to obtain some more information about my new ‘friend’.
You may want to reference the video I made in speaking with he fairy being- a different type of entity, as you will soon hear…

I have written down most of the dialogue, although some was just in my mind, as a series of very fast images and concepts, which I deliberately asked to slow down….

I pose the question: Who and what you are ?

“…little telescopic arrays .”
“realms realms realms realms realms levels and levels and levels”

When did you arrive here in the Earth.

What is your purpose here in the Earth?
Do you belong here?
And, why are you now appearing to us?
“ long long long time, longer than you. Yeah, sort of technological deviant.. there is a sort of essence of technology about us, I do have that, and yes we do live in a place that is very different from yours.
It is why we like to come to this strange – the air, it is like you going into your ocean .
We go “ping” and then we appear in the light, but we are not necessarily light beings, we are energetic beings.
Now, the technology , you wanted to know why you were saying circuitry, circuit board, funny indications, architectural structure within these spheres? and possibly why are we coming in spheres? Yes. it is a production, it is a thought projection.

I ask them to please slow down

Technologically speaking, we are in advancement of you , we are a sort of traveller between worlds, zones, we kind of or an idea-phonetic, we make structures the mind, we do build, we build, we build rebuild, we are kind of weaving things, hmmmmmm
“ genetic masters” hmmmmm not the right, not the right.
Yes, okay: your plants have minds, they have minds , they have minds of essences and souls and we are the sort of ones who bring them into being.. We are the kind of the feeders of the plants.
Why are you seeing technological circuitry you say? You say plants don’t have that, they are organic, they are curved, why this circuitry ? Why are we circuitry and a face? Oooh

(a whole lot of very fast information comes into my mind and I have to yawn and ask them again)
“ Why are you appearing when we blow up the images as a humanoid face, and a series of lines which look technological? Which looks sometimes symmetrical, looks like a motherboard, circuitry, a computer chip- all these things is what it looks like when we blow it up.
Even some of the images have looked like crystal structure. And I am told that is a different department and we will go there later.

“ we don’t wish to be delimited by your paradigms.

It is hard for you to explain cause you don’t live where we do.

I ask about the purpose of their visits and their appearances

“ oh yes, well, the sightings are because of your cameras, they are able to perceive things that your eyes,-you are intuiting energy, yes! Intrusion, intrusion!
(he reminds me of the alien advert where everyone freaks out about an alien invasion and the aliens are just tiny)

Yes, it doesn’t mean they are unimportant because they are tiny. Remember the bees, they are important, but they are tiny., The ants tiny, the worms, tiny, so don’t think about our size… But actually our sizes not like that, we are just coming through from a different dimensional plane, and therefore we are small appearing to you, but we are not.
You’re coming as if from a distance, it is like a telescopic ending, ending you are saying. Yes, it is like a funnel, like a portal, like a place between, that’s why you seeing the technology.


(I asked for them to explain about some of these shapes we are seeing)

“ we are making a space, we are puncturing through space, like a dimension, like a shoelace puncturing through the leather. you will see the puncture, and you will see us, we are showing you us, so you can see us, we are peeking out!
You are saying the technological, because it is the whole, the structure, the tunnel, the portal, the thing we make our technology, yes we do, we do, we do

(I ask them to explain some of their technology and see if they can make any bridges or links to that which we understand.)

(I yawn twice). We don’t like it: you see, what you’ve got is on, off, on, off, on, off. On off on off on off on off on off. And we have no!… We have flow, flow, flow., Flow, flow. It’s difficult, different. I’m a different, we actually don’t like yours. That’s why we don’t like it. The flicker. Yes, that’s why we don’t enjoy it. We find it weird that you would subject yourself to it. but understand that is the process you have chosen to take. for your transmissions. We use something else.

(I asked them to explain that a little bit)

Yes, we have flow: it is circuitry, most definitely.

You want to know whether we are in the planet, don’t you? Yeah. Yes, okay, okay okay.: We are, but we are not Stop there are zones, there are zones, there are planes. You see a reality. You see reality, you see a curve, you see a ball, you see a shape., You see a surface, you see an ocean, UC drones image from above, you see an ocean, a mountain, a forest: you see these things, that is what you believe, that’s what you know, that’s what you believe.

We are coming through from another dimension on peeking through, punching through, punching through, like an embroidery, we come through (and uses my voice in many expressive ways in my hand to show the movement) oooh with the thread, and bring it down again, go up with a thread, bring it down again.

What are we trying to do? What are we trying to do? Tie you and us together? No! We always were together., We were together, we are Separated, we are trying to come together a little bit more

(I asked them to explain why they are trying to come together a little bit more with us)

Mmmmm dimensions are shifting, of course they are shifting, there is this incremental increase, that is why you can start to perceive us, you call it veils thinning, we call it dimension shifting we are moving up, you are coming down (another funny sound) -we fuse.
We have to start to find ways of mmmmmmmm
(my right hand starts to type) yes, working on this plane together, we are going to be allocated the same space soon, yes, but there are many things coming together, it is a different kind of thing.

(I put for the expansion model of Ascension and ask them how they fit into that)

Yes,Mmmmmmm ha, yes, the gardeners. Yes, you have called us the gardeners, you have called us the gardeners., because we are the programmers, we are almost like the genetic encoders, we (and he moves my hands about as though again I am typing busily) mix and make, and mix and make, and mix and make,, we push up, push-up, push-up, oh! There is a nice new flower, oh there is a nice new variation.mmmmm there is a nice new one!

(I ask whether they are responsible for creating the biological diversity on the planet)

Hmmm yes, but we are not them, hmmmmmmm, we are the midwives.

(I then recount from my experience the information that I’ve gleamed so far, but there are a certain kind of grey who are called the guardians or the gardeners of the planet. And there are also the Devic forces of the plants and the animals on the planet, and I asked him to comment on that.)

Mmmmm. We are far more scientific than you are giving us credit for. Mmmmm, but we are not the men in the lab coats either, we are. something, ahhhhhhhh, knitters knitters, we are knitters, knitting in Seoul energy, and structure, ping-pong!
Pink pong, ping-pong, ping-pong, we build Yeah, we build them. And we build bits of soul, that’s Sol, soul, soul source. Mmmmmm. Structure potential, structure potential, carbon, hmmmmm, silica,hmmmmm

(I ask him whether they are also the same beings working with the crystal kingdoms. I explain how according to our spiritual mythologies, we have. Roles of the animals, and some of these are enormous beings such as the whales and the elephants. Vast Consciousness come from other zones, and galaxies and dimensions, to stay and hold frequency potential, and information here. And then we have all of the animals down to the tiniest arthropods, and the plant kingdom. The crossovers with the fungal communication system, and then the soil with the rocks and the metals. The minerals, and to the crystals.)

A Lot of things you want to know! Hmmmmmmm
You should ask first, why you, why me? Why us two in a conversationHmmmmm?
I am in contact with you: I am curious, I am curious about the work you were doing with the souls, with the trapped, with the crystals, with the beings, with the children, hmmmm human souls, we know that there is a heaviness, a change, a shift. Release, changes the biology, changes. chemistry, changes the buildup, changes the flow-through, changes us.

(ask ask him what it does for him when we release these traps from the sacrificial sites)

Hmmmm yes, it’s sort of something, it does shift, it is like a bit of an earthquake really, a lighter wave. We felt the wave, and we know. you have been talking to those beings, we know you have.
Those beings, those beings, the curvy ones, the ones who popped up in the air, yes for you and showed Yourself, and you said that’s a Fairy and you said, “hmmm maybe it’s a Fairy family”, mmmmm
Well, mmmmm, spirits come in all kinds of shapes and mum, yes, and some times the eyes can see it, and sometimes the cameras can see it and we are saying yes, you have sort of hmmmmm you are edging together into our territory, so we wanted to kind of check you out, find out you are, what you are doing, why you were doing it? And what we can do together.
Cause there are necessary bridges to be built between the Different foundations of our structure and your Structure: relationships, diplomacy, investigation- I know you are enjoying these things, these are what you sort of stand for, and we watching, following you a little bit.
Now ,ahhhh those other people, photographing others like us, hmmmm : faces, the structure, and I said it’s sort of like a kind of pin-prick of a portal between us and you. Mmmmm. You’re sort of on earth, we are sort of on earth, we are in another dimensional reality of earth, that is where you’ve got to understand we are. maybe you could say, the matrix variety, the matrix dimension, but we have form, yes.
Sometimes we look a little bit gremlin, sometimes a little bit gnomey. Sometimes more of a Roman face, there is a lot of potential in our visages in the way we appear.

, You asked about the crystal: we have to answer the crystal. The crystal are: not ask, no no no no but they are something, hmmmm
So many species here, it is just absurd
This is a melting pot, you do know this, don’t you? There are the metals, there are the species, there are. Crystals, there are the plants, there are the animals., -all the kind of kingdoms, the humans, and the different kind of humans, and the other kinds, and the reptoids and the rrrrrrrip! It is almost infinite! It is a very strange place, very Mixed up and jumbled, and we are, are mmmmmmm

(I asked them they would just tell me a little bit more about the appearances in the orbs, where they look like a crystalline structure with a face- whether that is them.)


(so I asked them about the phenomena of the orb: it being turquoise colour similar sizes, to explain a little bit more about the technology, because we are trying to work it out here)

Mmm huh (my head was being nodded vigorously as though they didn’t want to say anything)
Yes, there’s really a lot of separation, there is not enough dialogue, there is just not enough dialogue. We have to start talking. Ahhhhhhh how do we start talking with you? Hmmmmmmm
Where is the automatic writing, which works quite well, sometimes people start typing, a lot of information comes through. It is tricky, it is the chunks of information you are trying to cope with…. you are very., hmmmmm. You need a channel of information. The direct input, you need a screen, You need a memory re- surfacing, I know, and you don’t have it yet.
Yeeeeeee you’ve had wrong technology put in here, so that’s a problem, isn’t it? it’s run rogue, and it’s trying to do its own thing, so you. really need a nice neutral version like we do. Hmmmmm
We use our technology to get things sorted, a nice clean slate Yes, we need clean petri dishes to make our experiments in, just like you do.hmmmmmm
Is our technology. Now, let me try and explain these things:

(I take a moment to make sure I am completely completely clear free and able to see as much as possible here “ Prime Creator, give me Clarity and energy to be able to bring the best conversation here : calm, clear, logical, uninformed by bias, or mythology, just the information. I would like to receive a pure transmission, this is what I am asking for.” )

(explain how fascinating this phenomena is for us at this moment in time, this time of change as we bring forth all of the ancient corrupt information and seek all the true real information

I asked the question or any of these orbs that are being shown, the crystal beings?

(I encourage them to talk as gently as they can for my physical frame, and they begin by slowing down hugely in their speech!)

Oooh, well, we will slow down on your behalf, it is easier thing for you to establish if you lower and slower. We put you through a machine and make it just take longer. Mmmmmm, now:
Orpheus fields the Morpheus cube

Orpheus and the underworld, remember Stories: it is an underworld that is not a world that’s under,. It is an underworld that is another.
Your crystal beings, they are in the Earth, yes, and they are in the sky, like you Have your body beings,. Your body beings are the soft physical carbon structure water-dominated being, the spirit occupying, infiltrating, and pulsing through
Spirit of crystals: similar, similar, similar, there is a being , yes a spirit being, of crystal. Crystal grows. ancient and ancient, many many variations., Very slow for your human lives, it grows, and yes the seeds came, the seeds came, the seeds came,: form first, crystallising through heat and pressure to come those beings.
Again, a kind of genetic seeding of crystal-you cannot call it DNA but It’s another kind of coding,, that is why you have all the different colours and Beautiful combinations That you love to see. We enjoy it too
We are something however, different, we are a thing: we are a sort of a computer-system being-. We are beings, we have earned our place next to the bones of the humans, he kind of characterisation, but we also ageless, we barely die, we early die, we live for almost ever, we go on in the strange forms, we are mmmmmmm

(I ask him my head whether they are technological or biological, or etheric .)

They are not the same frequency-system-Base you see, yes silica, hmmmm we have silica in our make up mmmm yes, and we are of another Bass structure: you can’t access us with your technology, but the overlap is what is occurring
Light mmmmmm signalling mmmmmmm
At a certain radiative frequency mmmmm
Then You can pick it up
Yes , and we are looking, we have always looked hmmmmm

(I ask something which is important for me about the experience with the trapped souls the ancient sacrificial site, and spending time working with the other similar places, and then seeing the Fairy being, which had movement to it and flicker and light. Because this felt like something very very different to them., So I ask them if they have information if they could explain the differences)

Mmmm dancers , dancers, dancers, fairy dust, fairy dust, pixies, dances, dances, fairy dust, fairy dust, pixies dances pixies, kind of divas, kind of hmmmm na an na na soul keepers, soul keepers, soul keepers, soul keepers, yes, part crystal grids mmmmm they are a kind of Devic being, they are a soul spirit being, etheric being, etheric being stop, they appear in the same shape, because it is the sort of com prrrrr! Compression of the atmosphere. It’s sensible to appear in a little ping., A little blue sphere. That is for them easy to access, it is for you easy to access, it is for us easy to access. We have this ability within the framework of the atmosphere, which has lots of water vapour, and the carbon dioxide, and the oxygen, and the nitrogen, and all the other acids, naaaaaa you call them gases - all of those things in the air, and that is the form that is easy, easy for us to remove, and to take, and to shake , and we will appear in a similar way to them. That is, you just have to deal with it, it is like. Hmmmmm. A stuffed toy and a tiger: stuffed tiger toy in a shop, and a real tiger stop it is almost that, it is not quite stop there is a similarity, and then there is a big difference.

(I asked to be explained the main difference, but then I have another question I really want to ask and that is about their social structure)

I am making a presumption that there is millions of others making those conclusions based upon my various friends have posted images similar

Mmmmm yes, there are sort of groups, we are in groups, but we are in connection-almost like your cities, but a little bit, yes, we have our headquarters, our bustling zones, and interconnectivity. We don’t have the same love force you have.-you have your family connection, we are more like yes, I am here, and I am here, and I am here, hello!

- it is a little bit more similar…
- Where are differences are in our creative mode I would not create the same as my neighbour, my brother. Oh no, no, no no no no.. We each have our own zones, we are committed to creating and researching. Creating and researching, and tending and tending. And tending , and tending, but. This thing of the ahhhhh we are almost asexual beings,, yes, you have your families, and they do a very different thing, but we don’t do that, we are just here, here, here, here so we do look like those little greys you have been showing us in your mind, yes, sort of. Mmm mmm mmm

(I also see how to tame your dragon character in my mind. Please forgive the yawning it seems to be intrinsic to the process of channelling sometimes .)

And we are spreading, spreading, we do have our places, we move we move, we have these mmmmmmm it is a secretary remember,: reality is created by energy, is a form structure stop as you bring it in from spirit into material, mmmmm lattices of structure, we are building the lattices, we put in the molecules, ping ! we bring them together, we hold them together, we tie them together, sometimes we bundle them together, we experiment them together, we are the sort of mmmmmmm industrial workers, but we are free in our own strange way.
Do we ever evolve into something else, you just thought. Well, we do, there is a butterfly version of us , and there is a sort of mmmmm oh yes

(I take a break it’s quite tiring)

(I am now searing fairies and gnomes in my mind and all the mythology around them, so I asked them to explain and comment on it)


(so again I asked them to explain the connections which are occurring in my mind between fairies and pixies and gnomes and them)

It’s not simple

(I tell him I didn’t really expect it to be)

(I ask them to explain to me their connection to source)

Source is our existence, we are created of it: fingertips, fingerprints, workers, creators, builders. We run around and make.

(I ask are you free?)

We have freedoms that we… We are just this, this is what we are ., we are builders. An ant does not say can I pick up the leaf? It does it. We do this, this is our job. This is our thing, this is our thing!

(once more, I ask them to explain the difference between them and a Fairy being.)

Well, we are not really related, it’s a distant, we are distant cousins. They don’t really do what we do. We do the building, they do the flying. They do the feeling, they do the caring stuff., They are the carers for the beings for the children, for the beings, for the, Mmmmmmm soul gardeners. soul gardeners, Soul gardeners, Soul gardeners.
We are physical gardeners, we are making physical quality.

(Once again, I ask about why we are saying these circuitry patterning looking like they’re made with geometry and rivets in their orbs. I make the comparison between the golden men and organic natural shaping irregularity, and regimental rectilinear forms.)

With the forces of nature tree to grow in right angles but with the wind with the rain with the soil with the Sun and there is a way change and curve and shift and it’s not identical thank goodness it’s always irregular so could you please explain the almost linear symmetry geometry that we’re seeing with you)

Bare bones creation, fitting to you, it is like a jigsaw puzzle, - no it’s not, it’s an embroidery sheet! Yes, you do embroidery, you can put all kinds of curves and spirals, but you have a grid mmmmm. We have a grid.
We are geometric form based

(I remark on their beautiful individual faces which are organic)

Yes, we have souls! We are little splinter souls all of us! Daaaaa! Altogether make a big soul, ping!

(I ask them if they would say they live in the Earth, or in a parallel dimension?)

Mmmmm it’s not etheric, it’s something beyond, it’s the proceeding to etheric, we are density-makers

(I ask them if they are involved in processing the thoughts from all of the organisms here)

We have bosses on levels, they come to visit, they bring in things. You are sort of throwing around things, like a little Batch of marbles playing around here, it’s a bit of a laboratory, we are trying out stuff. Mmmmm, we play with a lot of people, a lot of people, a lot of people.

(so I asked them whether they’re like little chemists and physicists, structuralists, tying things into physical reality, bringing them into three dimensions, four dimensions with time)

Hmmmmmm, we are not the spirit bringers, but yes, we are making the bodies.
We are the sewings, the seamstresses, the gardeners, guardians. We are making the clothing., We are weaving the cloth.

(I ask them to speak on removing the toxic harsh treatments of nature and the climate change lies, and those doing that, who are actually perpetrating the savagery.)

Long Vorspiel! Of course! We want sensible civilisation it is a nonsense what has been going on. We are quite clear about what should happen. We are understanding priorities.: Shift to value, shift to value, shift to value. Value value, longevity, longevity, worth, value. Hmmmmm
Well-made: well-made is what you call beautiful, and we value this, harmony, mmmm balance, balance! Mmmm we are liking these things. We structure them, we wish that to be maintained in your grids of use: fairness, is part of that story. So. we are here to inspire you with our logical thought.

(I ask them if there is anything else they would like to say)

"We will soon see a lot more of you, “they say that we will soon see a lot more of them, and I’m encouraging you all to submit a lot more photos so we can get to really know them
(I asked if that will endanger them in anyway)

No, it will serve our cause.

‘Jurisdiction’ working with them within the bounds of logic, understanding the biology and chemistry of our systems :to honour them to perceive them in a way that is value not waste.

We need two scientific knowledge which has been denied us so much and I ask if they have any last words to say

I thank them and hope that I got some accuracy of description from what they were wanting to communicate- hoping that I will have captured more clarity to bring to peoples minds and hopefully encourage them to do more research in this area. I ask him his name :

Sol, Shiah.

Follow along, BE activated, innovate for yourself, contact me if you want to know how to create such powerful focused shifts.


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