Election Fraud - Haitian Style - Using Illegal Immigrants to Illegally Vote In 2024

3 months ago

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to talk to the person in this video. I was going to imply he was a "man" but you will quickly see, this is no man. Instead we have a piece of shit tool for the communist, going around and voting illegally. And then making a video about it it to boot, while recruiting others to join him.

But I'm sure this is fake news. I'm sure he's an American trolling us. I'm also sure there aren't 30Million Illegals in my country. I'm sure pets and animals aren't being stolen for a "Somali Stew", and I'm sure they didn't steal the 2020 election and attempt Genocide on the public.

I'm also sure that I'm going to spend every waking moment of my life getting all 30,000,000 of you illegal PIGs out of my country. I don't care if you've been feeding into the system. I don't care if you've lived here peacefully. Because it took this criminal less than six months to get 5 drivers licenses so he could vote illegally.

Because when you came here illegally, you immediately started your life here is a wanted criminal. That is no way to start a life in this country and it will not be tolerated, I suspect, for much longer...


Good Morning!

If you don't hate Democrats, it's probably because you're a Democrat.

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