We are but the ants

3 months ago

We are but the ants, living on the remains of a much larger past.And.....
Christmas, like every holiday, goes back to Satan and customs associated with him.

Santa Claus is none other than Satan himself (anagram Santa!) and is based on the demonic deity Krampus: Krampus = Baphomet.
Ultimately, as with all holidays, it is about crimes against children: There are no presents in Santa's sack, but children kidnapped in December.
Another child-abusing symbolism can be found in the custom of sitting children on Santa's lap, which we consider normal. This is not about the children's wishes. Instead, there is a pedophile gesture behind it. Why is this not far-fetched? This custom goes back to the Roman festival "Saturnalia", where children were sold to rich Romans who then had sex with them.

Saturn was one of the highest gods in Rome and his temple is one of the oldest buildings on the Roman Forum.
The god Saturn is depicted with a sickle because he is considered the god of agriculture. However, if you know who Saturn really is, namely Satan, a completely different picture emerges from this symbolism.
With this knowledge, it is easier to understand that the Saturnalia is a convoluted change to Christmas (from the 4th century onwards) for Christians.
The winter solstice not only played an important role in gaining a new faith, which enabled Christianity to rise as a state religion. Rather, it is about the dating to December 25, as this is the date of the festival of Sol invictus, the unconquered sun god (274). The sun god is none other than the god (demon!) Baal/Oriental Bal, which once again focuses on the symbolism of fertility that we encounter again and again at Christmas: This same symbolism can be found in the Christmas tree: fertility in the form of the phallus.
The church has done a great job of hiding and even reversing the true meaning behind any holiday: The festival of love? Quite the opposite. The festivals are presented in a sweet guise so that there is no reason to question them.
Holidays are "holy days" on which people pray to a god. This god, to whom homage is paid by celebrating and participating in such festivals, is always the god of the Freemasons and Illuminati: Satan.

Preserve your light and that of your children by becoming aware of who really rules the world. Then it is very easy to say no and no longer participate....

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