Why Iesus TheChrist when taken upon Himself our sins quoted Psalm 22: Eli, Eli why Thou forsaken Me?

3 days ago

When we commit sins, iniquities and transgression from Torah we suffer loneliness (although there might be people, parties, falseness, all sort of fake stuff around us) darkness, pain, filthiness. Our Beloved Iesus The Christ (YAHashua HaMashiah) shouted from the cross Eli, Eli (english translation: My God, My God why Thou has forsaken me) so it would be fulfilled what is prophesied in Old Testament Psalm 22:1: "Eli, Eli why has Thou forsaken me" that is to stress that He never committed any sins, iniquities and transgression but He has taken upon Himself our sins, iniquities and transgression and paid full price for it even separateness from The Father. I believe that that separateness that He had to suffer was by far he most painful price for He is Ahad (One, Perfect Unity) with The Father in Heaven.

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