Article 5115 Video - International Public Notice: There Is No Doubt By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5115 Video - International Public Notice: There Is No Doubt - Thursday, November 14, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

There is no longer any doubt that the phony Covid 19 Pandemic was a NATO operation.

There is no doubt that NATO has been illegally running the governments of the seventeen western European countries and other countries occupied by the Allies during and after the Second World War.

The "Liberators" turned into long-term occupation forces, but they conveniently didn't tell anyone this.

This is just another example of prolonged illegal and secretive military occupation by Britain and its Allies, and is part of a pattern of international crime that began in the 1840's with the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

This marriage marked the capture of the Queen's substantial personal fortune by Continental European interests, and started the complex and largely unobserved conflicts of interest that have since spurred political and diplomatic actions and led to two World Wars.

As always, the Brits are at the bottom of the dogpile, and as is usually the case, the modern day Romans are right there with them, like an inseparable shadow.

This particular pattern of international criminality began in earnest in the 1850s and 60s. The British Homelands were surreptitiously taken over by international bankers championed by then-Prime Minister Benjamin D'Israeli, who advocated the enfranchisement (as in Dairy Queen franchise) of the British Working Class.

Simply by registering the victims and conferring upon them the right to vote (in an undisclosed private corporation election) they and their private property could be subsumed as a franchise of the British Crown; their labor, performances, and contracts could all be seized upon, along with their land and whatever other private assets they had, and used as collateral to fund the invasion of India by the British Raj.

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