Rahan. Episode 124. By Roger Lecureux. The Ally of Fire! A Puke (TM) Comic.

3 months ago

Translated by PukeOnAPlate


Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


The son of the ferocious ages!
Episode One Hundred and Twenty Four.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Romero.

The Ally of Fire!

Rahan hates killing. But he needs your fur, "Baloua"!

Lost in this land without vegetation, the son of Crao was so cold that he was almost happy to see this bear appear and come to dispute his refuge.

Either way, he had no choice.
Either he would die, or the fearsome beast would! The fight was quick.

And it was the ivory knife that brought death.

Page Two.

Cutting up the beast was repugnant to the son of Crao. But he was so cold.
Perhaps Rahan will find a better refuge at the foot of the “Thundering Mountain”!?

The lava flows had eroded the sides of the volcano that he had seen at dawn.
As they had done in every volcano that he had discovered.

He thought back to the tragic night when the blue mountain decimated all his people, when he was only a "Little Man."

But a strange discovery chased this thought away.
Oh! Rahan has already seen "Stones-that-shine."
But they did not have the color of these!

The son of Crao had already found gold nuggets.
But those that filled this ravine were silver.
They probably come from the bowels of the "Mountain that thunders"!

Once erupting from the volcano, the molten metal cooled on certain rocks, forming curious plaques.

Page Three.

Rahan easily removed one of them and.
In the depths of this glittering shell.

He saw the strangely distorted reflection of his face.
Rahan has the head of a monster!
What would you think of your son, Crao, if you saw him like this?

The polished silver surface formed a distorting mirror.
Rahan was amused for a moment by the curious phenomenon.

And he tried, as always, to explain it to himself.
The "Shining Stones" were on fire, and soft, as they sprang from the "Thundering Mountain."

Then they hardened as they cooled! Oh! What? What?
A warmth struck at his thigh.
A warmth emitted by the silver shell, and reflected from the sun.

Page Four.

He did not have time to think about this new mystery.
Death to the enemy who violates the ravine of the "Shining Stones"!

No! Do not kill him! Only Nouak has the right to decide his fate!
The son of Crao could not escape the circle of hunters.

And he had to accept the confrontation.
Rahan will not let himself be captured like a beast!

Several men went to roll among the silver nuggets, which were of all shapes and sizes.

But the fight was too unequal.
This “shining stone” will calm you down, “Fire-Hair”!

Page Five.

Staggering under the shock, the son of Crao was roughly subdued.
The bearskin was torn from him.
Rahan killed the "Baloua". This skin is his!

If Nouak decides to kill you, you will not need this skin anymore!
Despite the sun, the cold remained intense. Rahan was dragged to a cave.

Where a whole clan was lurking in the cold.
We surprised this hunter near "Shining Stones", Nouak! Here is his fur and his weapon!

Rahan is not an enemy! He is the brother of all "Those-who-walk-upright"!
Nouak wants to believe you.
The chief threw the fur on the shivering children.

When Rahan saw in the darkness, a pile of dead wood.
Why do you let yourself suffer from the cold when you have so much wood?

Page Six.

Would you not like to make a fire?
But trees are too rare in this territory! We must save this wood for the coming season, or it will be even colder!

For then, although the sun still shines, its heat never penetrates into this cavern!
The weakest among us die of cold.

Since you seem loyal, you can leave or stay among us! Take up your weapon!
Rahan is going to leave, but he needs his fur!

Take it back then!
Erg! Euh!

The son of Crao looked at the sleeping children curled up under the bear's thick skin.
No, he could not do that!

Rahan cannot deprive these "Little Men" of it!
He will kill another "Baloua"!
He was already rushing outside, unaware of the bitter cold.
Page Seven.

Nouak is crazy! If "Hair of Fire" kills another "Baloua" it will be one less skin for us!
Let us kill him!
Let us kill him!

The spears whistled past Rahan's ears.
But no one knew better than he how to use the terrain's possibilities.

Escaping his few pursuers, he soon found the ravine with the "Shining Stones.
Oh! Why did Rahan not think of this sooner.

Finding the shimmering shell, an idea came to him.
This “thing” heated Rahan's leg! A much bigger “Thing” would heat up much more!

The stunned clan saw him return, after which he explained his idea at length.
The "Shining Stones" are sacred to us, but we accept your idea.
If you deceive us, you will die!

Page Eight.

With the help of the hunters, Rahan brought back some large silver plates which were placed in front of the cave.
"Fire-Hair" lied to us!

The plates, in fact, received the sun but did not return any heat.
Oh! Rahan understands!
The "Thing-that-heats" must be round and hollow! Like this one!

We can make one like this!
But you will have to sacrifice all your wood!
Once again Nouak showed confidence.

We will help you "Fire-Hair"! But if you fail, every hunter will make it their duty to pierce your heart with his spear!

All night long, under the leadership of the son of Crao, there was immense activity.
In the unbearable heat of the fire, the "Shining Stones" were melting in the ravine.

Page Nine.

And the molten metal was channeled, flowing onto a smooth, round rock.
At daybreak "the thing" will be cooled. But it will be very heavy!

In fact, it took more than twenty men in the morning to remove the gigantic silver shield from the rock!
Courage brothers!

Carrying it, and standing it up facing the entrance to the cave was even more difficult!
We have no more wood and the "Shining Stones" have become this strange thing.

This is your last chance, "Fire-Hair"!
Hunters had seized Rahan and tied him to a rock on the threshold of the cave.

If Rahan is wrong, he will join the shadow territory!
His eyes could not bear the light reflected by the silver shield.

Page Ten.

And suddenly.
Rahan was right! Free him! Quickly! Quickly!
Now it was the heat that was becoming unbearable.

Unbearable near the shimmering shield.
But it was spreading, beneficial, to the deepest part of the cavern!
Rahan is a god! Rahan is a god!

They are right! Only a god could capture the heat of the sun like this!
Rahan is not a god, Nouak.
He is a hunter who observes and tries to understand!

Your clan will no longer have to fear the cold! It will now have a wonderful ally, the sun! A fiery ally!

Did the idea of capturing solar heat germinate in this way, in the mists of time?
Who knows? Throwing aside their skins and furs, the entire clan offered themselves to this heat invading their cave.

And for Rahan, no reward would have been better than the rediscovered happiness of these hunters, these women, these "Little Men."

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