the system is designed to divide us, to participate is compliance *HUMBLE!!! opinion

3 months ago
37 is nov 6
i can't stop laughing same as i did back in 2016
many people don't have any idea how happy i truly am
i have fun cos i accept what isn't fun
i am rewarded for my acceptance
many christians don't act very christian
i definitely see the value of religion
speaking of mental illness...america
my main mentally ill friend told me that dt won the election
trump is mobilizing the twatbotz
feminist: emotionally unstable angry cuntsore that dunno what's best for her
YOU make it about gender
men dunno how to be men n women dunno how to be women
oh and also technology
at least that dog is happy
all these political events are designed to prove that this country is under a massive spell
book of revelations every 4yrs
the man in my head scolds me
nice guy narkies everywhere
my blender broke yesterday so i must get another one
the sheep will suffer but won't even notice (for the most part)

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