A MASTERPIECE!! PRIMORDIAL CODE, The Burning Essence (2024) | A documentary by Marijn Poels [Closed Captions included]

3 months ago

Documentary filmmaker Marijn Poels is in search of humanity's primal code. In the second part of his trilogy, he unravels the genetically embedded principles and instincts we have neglected through the ravages of time.
A compelling and mind-boggling quest of how certain stories, frequencies, and intentional programs suppress our perceptions, and block our path to humanity.
Poels seeks a connection to the primal principles of nature, which are the key to understanding and reclaiming the inner light of who we are.
Watch part 1 of the trilogy
🎥 Watch: The Primordial Code - A Documentary By Marijn Poels | Closed Captions Included
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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR8ovcfshfs

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