Voyagers Vol. 2: The Secrets of Amenti | HAARP, DNA, Mass Awakening, and Revelations | Part 19

3 months ago

In Part 19 Chapter 20 of Voyagers Vol. 2: The Secrets of Amenti, we delve into the intricate connections between HAARP, DNA, and the ongoing mass awakening of humanity. This chapter also uncovers the deeper meanings behind the Trumpets, Towers, and Terrorists, particularly through the hidden truths related to the WTC/Pentagon disaster. Explore the UIR's One World Order (OWO) Master Plan Agenda and an in-depth decoding of Revelations, including the schedule set by OWO. We discuss Saint John the Divine's messages, the significance of the Seven Churches, Angels, and the Dove, and the meaning of the Seven Seals and Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Finally, we touch on the concept of returning to innocence, salvaging the sacred, and healing world religions.

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00:00 HAARPs, DNA, and the Mass Awakening
15:55 The Trumpets, Towers, and Terrorists; The Hidden Realities of the WTC/Pentagon Disaster
26:10 UIR OWO Master Plan Agenda
42:20 Decoding Revelations The OWO Scheduled
52:35 Revelations and Saint John the Divine
57:11 The Seven Churches, Seven Angels, and the Dove
1:06:58 The Seven Seals and the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse
1:19:48 Return to Innocence, Salvaging the Sacred, Healing World Religions
1:29:46 Outro

#HAARP #MassAwakening #DNAActivation #WTCDisaster #TrumpetsTowersTerrorists #OWOAgenda #DecodingRevelations #SaintJohnTheDivine #SevenChurches #SevenAngels #SevenSeals #FourHorsemen #ReturnToInnocence #HealingReligions #EsotericTeachings #SpiritualAwakening #VoyagersVolume2 #MetaphysicalWisdom

⨁ About Me ⨁

📛Name: Justin
🙏🏻Purpose: Offer healing, love, compassion, share knowledge, and support others on their spiritual Path
🙈Truth Seeker
☀️♋ Sun in the 8th conjunct Venus
🌙♑ Moon conjunct Uranus/Neptune
⬆️♏ Rising/ASC
👁️12th House: Pluto in Scorpio conjunct ASC
➕Grand Cross 🐦‍🔥 (Fixed): ♏♉♌♒ Horizontal-Pluto(Scorpio)/Mars(Taurus) Vertical-Mercury(Leo MC)/Saturn(Aquarius) Self Mastery is 🔑
🐺Personality Type: INFP
💬 Motto: "Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor", "I have seen as much beauty in the dark as I have seen horrors in the light"
🪶Spiritual Path: Heart based mystic 💚(experiential), Bhakti Yoga 🙏🏻 (Devotion), Vipassana🧘🏻‍♂️, Esoteric study ✝️✡️☪️🕉️ (All religions with strong leanings towards mystic traditions i.e. Christian Mysticism, Kabbalah, Sufism), I AM that I AM, Knight of the Rose (Healing the Divine Feminine), Microcosm of the Macrocosm, Rosae Crucis, Eternal student, Guide, Teacher
👻Soul Origin: Lyra 🦁, Andromeda 💫💖

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