Shining Lights, Nailed Innocents, Track 26, Audio Version Only

1 month ago

Nailed Innocents

Previously Known As
"They Nailed My Jesus To The Cross".
One of Several Artistic Works, or Songs that were Hymn Book Published in 1981 & 1983, when he was 16 and 18 years of age.

This song was written during the time when Jeff lived and helped to manage Christian Home Centre's in Moncton NB, and also performed from 1981 to 1984 by JeffRey E McCluskey, at the Little Lighthouse Street Ministries, and several other Church locations over those years throughout many other places in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and was also performed in 1982 at the new Salvation Army Citadel Complex in Moncton NB Canada. During their Battle of the Bands Competition and Joyous Celebration. JeffRey and his accompanying Partner and Guitar instructor Mr. Zoel Belliveau. After their performance they were given a spontaneous Standing Ovation from the many Hundreds of Individuals in attendance.

Over the many years that would follow, JeffRey would occasionally perform this artistic work / song, during several AsGuardian Ministries fellowships, but also mostly during the limited times, that others would request such an action.

He Hopes you Enjoy this Audio Version, and Hopes to have the Video Version Released Soon, for not only your hearing pleasure, but also your viewing pleasure.

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