Funny Dog Hates The Scale

6 years ago

This video is dedicated to all of us who hate stepping on the scale and checking how much self-guilt we need to swallow when we see the number on the scale! So, if you feel the same about measuring your body weight, you are going to love this video! It shows an adorable dog who takes two paws and places it on the scale. She looks at her weight and pushes the scale out of the way! LOL! Her human friend asks her if she is not happy with what the scale says, while she keeps pushing and kicking the scale! I don’t know about you, but I can totally relate to this video! Every time I step into my bathroom and see the scale, I try to ignore it, because if I don’t, it could quickly end up in the trash. But, it’s not polite to throw away the presents, isn’t it? LOL!

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