Tot Boy Makes His Own T-Ball Rules

6 years ago

T-Ball is one of the best team sports for the kids! It keeps them active and teaches them the importance of being a team player. Plus, it gives them structure through the set of simple rules they need to follow. But, it seems some of the kids prefer to make their own rules, just like a little boy in this video! He is so cute and funny that you really have to check this video out! It shows a tot boy who hits a t-ball and runs to the first base, but picks up the ball on the way, so no one can tag him out! OMG, you have to see this! What a genius! This little kid just decided to change the rules and make sure that his team wins! LOL! I mean, what’s the point of playing the game if you don’t have a load of fun? And in this case, everyone had a really good laugh!

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