Bipartisan U.S. Will Join Allies in Countering CCP’s Aggression

3 months ago

11/14/2024 Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL): Not only has CCP failed to open up and become a more reformed economy as we had hoped, but it has also become very aggressive economically, militarily and technologically. That’s why the U.S. will be bipartisan and join its allies in countering CCP’s aggression.
#CCP #China #USChinaRelations #levelplayingfield #BipartisanEfforts
11/14/2024 美国民主党众议员拉贾·克里希纳穆尔蒂:中共不仅未能如我们所愿变得开放和成为一个更加改革的经济体,还在经济、军事和技术方面变得极具侵略性。这就是为什么美国两党将会和盟友一起反制中共的侵略行为。
#中共 #美中关系 #公平竞争 #两党合作

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