RYAN MAURO - Strictly Speaking with Bob Frantz - Ep. 23

3 months ago

Ryan Mauro is an investigative researcher for Capital Research Center, focused on extremist groups and foreign threats. He has spent 21 years as an adjunct professor of international security and counter terrorism. Ryan has recently produced a special report investigating the domestic anti –Israeli protest movement. Over 150 groups involved in the disruptive anti-Israel protests on college campuses and elsewhere in the United States are “pro-terrorism.” The vast majority support Hamas and/or the October 7 terrorist attacks. The movement contains militant elements pushing it toward a wider, more severe campaign focused on property destruction and violence properly described as domestic terrorism. Its long-term goals are revolutionary. It demands the “dismantlement” of America’s “colonialist,” “imperialist,” or “capitalist” system, often calling for the U.S. to be abolished as a country. This episode goes deep inside the threat of domestic extremism and terrorism with facts you will hear nowhere else.

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