Reject: A Super Superhero Story (part 44)

3 months ago

*Refusing to adhere to amendment 30 if it is passed, or to even support it once President Hill announced it at her first state of the union address, only brings in more secret service agents to fill the oval office and surround Control. But with his mask of Keaton Kilmer finally shed he is prepared to defend himself. He is the one who brings order, control, to the chaos and all that is wrong in the world and even if it is a president and her administration, Control will not bend and suddenly let what is wrong gain supremacy over his idea of a balance to this world. Control fights, laying waste to much of the oval office yet taking care of every secret service agent with ease until the Protector...his Protector from the Just...arrives to lend those agents some support. He now faces off against another decked out in another super suit. But Control has prepared, making sure his suit of liquid metal was always near the level, or hopefully greater, than any suit any Protector could ever have. Now he just gets to see if his preparations have done the trick [AI Art]*

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