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Flim Flams (Triggering - HA)

2 months ago

You may be asking aloud to nobody in particular - why?
It made me laugh as I wrote it, so I thought I would share.

If you like this silliness, slap that like button.
Wanna hit me up on X for no reason whatsoever?

No matter where I go things ain't the same
It feels like I'm stuck in some jesters game
Always seems like I’m being jerked around
When all I hear is use their damn pronouns

There are the he hims and the she hers
Don't ya dare be checking no zippers
You got the zee zers and the fae faer
And they all got a bit of chin hair
I heard of tay tems and there's yo yos
Not so sure just how far it all goes

When it seems everyone is -
Transitioning -
Into something like a YASS QUEEN

Easily scorned and so quick to point blame
Anyone using their so-called dead name
It seems they're infesting everything
TV and movies and video games

Could be an ey em or a flim flam
And someone screaming out IT IS MA'AM
There are the quee quems and some vee viss
And it seems they all stand up to piss
We got some they thems maybe vee veer
Honestly it all sounds pretty queer

Well it seems everyone is -
Transitioning -
Into blue hairs that cry and scream

Oversensitive and prone to shed tears
A lack of belonging their biggest fear
They want to screw over all of our lives
Turning boys into girls, men into wives

Might be a zip zap or a ying yang
And all the gals are smuggling wang
Is it a jib jab, maybe trip trap
All these silly words sound fake as crap
The wees and the woes, they all flip flop
Dammit, I fuckin’ wish it would stop

Cuz it seems everyone is -
Transitioning -
Desecrating humanity

That ol' trans gaze
It goes on for days
Nothing no one wants to see

That ol' trans gaze
It goes on for days
Living trend sexually

That ol' trans gaze
It goes on for days
Tarnishing the LGB

That ol' trans gaze
It goes on for days
Twisted ideology

Nothing no one wants to see
Living trend sexually
Tarnishing the LGB
Twisted ideology


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