Episode 12: Lee Undy's Witness Protection Program Covert Recording Ankle Bracelet.

3 months ago

EPISODE 12: Lee Undy's Witness Protection Program Covert Recording Ankle Bracelet.

I reveal the technology contained inside the bracelet and how I found out.

His special edition recording ankle bracelet was issued by the Qld Crime and Corruption Commission (they run the Qld witness protection program).

He wore it for almost 2 years and recorded conversations for the police for that entire time.

Undy was, in fact, a SUPER GRASS and probably one of the worst rats in Australian history!

No wonder the corrupt Police tried to murder me to keep this information quiet.

Enjoy, it's riveting stuff, especially the part where Undy admits he's the rat in a cocky FB message to me in Sept 2023.

It's only 12 mins long so easy to digest.

Neil 'Reveal' Kelliher

PS. Feel free to SHARE since it's about time this mutt is fully revealed for who he really is, a far cry from his born again Christian cover story.




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