How To Choose the Right LightTower for Your Health Needs?

2 months ago

Not sure which size of LightTower is best for you?

The choice depends on your unique needs. Each size offers varying levels of structured light intensity and coverage, with larger sizes delivering more power and a wider protective field. For those managing chronic conditions or heightened sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), a higher dose of structured light may provide optimal support.

Our energy plates come in multiple sizes to match your requirements:

Essential Pendant – Compact and easy to wear daily, offering EMF protection and structured light.
Pocket Pendant – Ideal for on-the-go, providing stronger support than the Essential Pendant.
LightTower Series (4”, 5”, and 7” Plates) – Each size offers a step up in power, coverage, and structured light. The larger the LightTower, the stronger the dose and the greater its impact on challenging conditions or sensitivity levels.
Explore our range and discover the size that suits your energy and wellness goals-

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