Toxic System Exposed

3 months ago

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HOLY SMOKES: Jillian Michaels Goes Scorched Earth on RFK Jr. Haters With a Series of Stunning Truth Bombs

“If you're afraid of RFK, you've lost your mind! Take a back seat. Let the professionals in this space handle it.”

• Infertility rates are the highest ever.

• Early-onset cancer diagnoses are up 79% over the last three decades.

• 74% of adults in America are overweight or obese.

• Health-related conditions are the number one cause of bankruptcy.

Moreover, Jillian Michaels says it is hard to be healthy in America because it is difficult “by design.”

1. Big farming proliferates these cheap, toxic calories.

2. Big food picks up those calories and tinkers with them a bit more with their food scientists to make them more addictive and omnipresent.

3. Then Big Pharma catches us on the other side and starts treating all of our sicknesses with their pills for every ill.

“We need change. We need it now. What they're doing isn't working, and it's not working on purpose because it's profitable for the very few.”

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