Secrets of The Halls Of Amenti

3 months ago

The Halls of Amenti are a gateway between our physical being and the Soul. It is the realm between the Omega Point of God Consciousness and our three-dimensional world. The sphere of Amenti was installed in the core of Gaia millions of years ago to provide a blue print or a map of Ascension that would allow humanity to ascend.

The experience of death transitions our soul from the physical realm into the Halls of Amenti where we must pass through certain gates of ascension. If we have led a life of spiritual purity, then we are allowed to pass through these gates into an ever lasting paradise. However, if we are still possessed with the lower emotions of greed, fear, anger and hatred, we are forced to reincarnate back into the physical realm after having our conscious memories wiped out.

This process will continue to go on until you finally "get it," meaning you come to understand that the physical world is an illusion. In this video we go into great detail about the true nature of Halls of Amenti, and how we may prepare to ascend through its gates so we can be relieved of the perpetual wheel of karma and suffering and enter a realm of everlasting peace and bliss.

With love,
EldoRa & Siman

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