2 months ago

🚨 HELP Shape a New Era of Finance -Be #DeFiant 🚨 $WLFI Tokens

🚀 BETTER HURRY !!!! I have 4 Million WLFI Crypto Coins now & Counting
When I bought there was 0.9 Billion in US Dollars Sold- of only 20 BILLION available. That number will go up quickly 👆🏾 Once the #TrumpArmy finds out about this.

🔥 This will SURELY help finish off the Crash of the US dollar and switch us over to the DIGITAL CURRENCIES. 🔥 XRP is also a sure bet with the bank using XRP – RIPPLE.
👊 Like all those Banks have been telling YOU for YEARS.. What did you think a “Cashless Society” Meant ? No coins – No Notes - NO US DOLLAR anymore !! ✊🏾

#Step 1 – You will need a Free CoinBase account !!!! With Welcome Bonus!
You will ALSO need to Download on your Mobile Device from your preferred APP store the COINBASE APP
1A - Get yourself a FREE COINBASE Wallet.. Even for new users, this is very simple to set up on the Computer … THEN connect to the CoinBase APP !! (Instruction In Video)

** FREE "CoinBase" Crypto Wallet
!!!!!!!!!! SAVE, SAFE AND SECURE on paper / make copies and TELL NO-ONE your Passwords – sign in code - or “SEED PHRASE” !!!!!!!!!! DO NOT GET SCAMMED !!!! KEEP SEED PHRASE SAFE !!!

1B - Signing Up Below will give you Free ONE -TIME – “New User” Bonus Crypto as a Welcome Present for signing up.
You will soon also be able to BUY “ Trump's WLFI coin” on these Other Crypto Trading Platforms IF CoinBase doesn't work in your "LOCATION". These are Well Trusted World-Wide Crypto Platforms. +++ the Bonus Sign-Up.

• CRO --- The Incredible CRO Amazing Crypto APP and Site linked to e-Gift Cards and a VISA card - EASILY spent your profits and "CASH OUT" :-)
If there is no referral code = enter this = qefy2gj8tp or you will not get $US25 https://platinum.crypto.com/r/qefy2gj8tp
!!! Don't Forget.. If sign up sheet is BLANK -- >> & this code is missing... qefy2gj8tp - ( copy n paste code) I can't give you the $US25 in CRO 🙂 if you forget… ( that you swap for ETH and buy WLFI)
• BINANCE --- *!*!*!*! BINANCE is awesome too.. Easily “Cash Out” your Profits straight back to your Bank Account OR like the CRO app.. get a VISA card sent out – linked to your Profits.
Register for a FREE Binance exchange // Crypto Wallet
Binance Wallet = https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=71482929
• SWYFT-X – Great for Australian Users – and I believe – “possibly” they offer the AUD$10 worth of BTC – Bitcoin as a Welcome Sign-Up Bonus… SWYFT-X= https://trade.swyftx.com/register/?ref=0Q243WR6LP3X8V2N .
• COINspot – Another Easy To Use Trading Buy / Selling / Cashing out Crypto Profits site. And I will give you some BTC – Bitcoin if you use my referral link https://www.coinspot.com.au/join/REFC6MQM6

STEP #2 **** Important that if they ask you “WHICH NETWORK” you want to buy the ETH on Choose ETH - ETHEREUM Network ************

Login to the CoinBase Site & have app linked for ID verification
THEN - Deposit Funds or Directly Buy ETH - Ethereum Crypto Currency

**** Important that if they ask you “WHICH NETWORK” you want to buy the ETH on Choose
( Ethereum - ETH is like BTC- Bitcoin. It is a "Base" Crypto Currency for other Currency / Coins on that "Network" of Crypto Coins)
There are Multiple Deposit Methods …..
Once you have that ETH in your Crypto “Wallet”
Then with THIS LINK https://www.worldlibertyfinancial.com/intl/token-sale You start the BUYING the COIN process !!!

STEP # 3 – Connect your CoinBase Account with a CoinBase WALLET !!!

!!!! STEP # 4 !!!!!!!!! TRUMP’S SITE to get the coin BEFORE it launches !!!!
*** NO PASSKEY usb device NO WORRIES... keep those SEED PHRASES and code / pin numbers SAFE !!
VERRRRRRRRRRY important … as this is going to launch on the 15th OF NOVEMBER 2024 !!!

Once you have “linked” your CoinBase account and Verified your KYC you will see this message.
Your verification is approved
“Congratulations! Your KYC verification has been approved, and your wallet address is registered.”

Have a Very QUICK read of the site, if you must…. But HURRY !

• You will see your ETH – Ethereum Balance. If you have LINKED your CoinBase account correctly and Bought the CORRECT ETH- Ethereum network Coin ( DO NOT buy ETH – base or any other.. ONLY ETH – ETHERUM (network)
• If you click “MAX AMOUNT” … and you can see your ETH balance and you get a message stating Not Enough ETH… then Try going back a small amount on the number of WLFI coins that you are trying to buy.
• Click “BUY NOW”…..
• Have open on the Computer your CoinBase Account &
MUST ALSO have CoinBase App OPEN as it will ask your to “CONFIRM ON PHONE” (Or on your Pass Key Device)

• Enter your 6 DIGIT CODE that you have saved securely and Told No-One About (Apart from being in your WILL NOW- Write in your WILL where you’ve hidden your SEED PHRASE and all CODES – if you want)

*** I am not giving Financial Advice – This is for Entertainment Purposes only. ***
WHEN to take a profit ?? You can watch this TOKEN go through the Roof.. 🤑
Cash out / Sell some, maybe not all, when you want, after making a good profit, BEFORE the price drops again. This could take a few months. But you can easily SELL some $WLFI Tokens for your Country’s Home Currency, if you want to send $$$ back to your Bank Account.

🤑 Take some profits along the way if you like … Then Buy Back In The DIP… after it has gone down again.
OR like I plan to do …. sit on my USD $10,000 Investment for 2 Years – AND Never have to work again - #TrustInTrump AND #JFKjr to #EndTheFed – and help us be FREE and #DitchTheDollar & the Corrupt #FederalReserve banking Slavery System forever !!! 🤑

😍 If you would like to THANK ME for GIVING YOU -- the TIP of the Century😍 … .
😍😍 Please Help us out and Send / Donate a Tiny amount of ETH – Ethereum here - ETH SEND TO ADDRESS below. And please confirm it’s the same address IN THE VIDEO !!! (pause video to check.. thanks)


AND Remember me later if you make Millions….. I take a Size 14 Purple Lamborghini- or send a nice Thanks later to that ETH – Ethereum address just above.. 😍

Cheers Robbo #TheCryptoKid #CryptoCollege

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