Dave Ramsey Lies

3 months ago

‼️Don't Let Dave Ramsey Scare You‼️
First off... Full Disclosure... I've never read a Dave Ramsey book...

Im sure he has some good advice around personal finance... but I think his comments about rental properties are misleading to the average investor or small business owner

Dave Ramsey says he owns 100's of millions of dollars in real estate... cool.

He bought real estate to park the money that he made from other sources... namely book sales, radio show, etc.

He's never been in the real estate business!

Real Estate is an amazing vehicle to build generational wealth and the barrier of entry is such that just about anyone can can get started.

Someone can start investing in real estate with NONE of their own money... very few businesses and/or investment vehicles can say that.

So... if you're thinking about starting in real estate investing... talk to people who are actually in the game doing it!

Talk to people who started in a similar spot that you're in!

Someone who has done what you're looking to do! Not just a celebrity in a studio talking about it 🏠

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