1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Here is the beehive 🐝 | Songs for Kids | HeyKids Nursery Rhymes

3 months ago


0:00 Here is the Beehive
2:34 Bunny, Bunny, Hop Hop Hop!
3:38 This Little Piggy Went To The Market
5:52 Bingo Song
8:35 Teddy Bear Turn Around
10:37 Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
12:57 Hide and Seek
15:44 My Horsey (the horse song for children)
18:01 Five Little Fishies
20:37 In A House Deep In The Forest
22:03 Down By The Bay
24:03 Rock-a-bye Baby - sleeping music for kids
26:17 Chick Chick Chick - animal song for kids
28:23 One Potato Two Potato - counting song for kids

🐝 Here is the beehive - Lyrics :

Here is the beehive
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees
Here come the bees now
Out of the hive
One, two, three, four, five

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