Maharishikaa | Spiritual depression and finding joy again through Surrender to Love!

3 months ago

In what appears to be a deep spiritual depression, Richard Bayer seeks Maharishikaa's guidance as his life comes to halt with the realization that he can't touch or experience Love. Presenting this personal existential crisis to Maharishikaa, he asks for a way out.

With compassion, strength and tough love, Maharishikaa shows Richard that he’s preventing himself from finding joy again in this life, by giving in to the ego. She deconstructs life down to This Moment - This Moment, where there is joy. In This Moment, he must decide - does he bend in surrender to the Truth, or remain a slave to the ego?

A month later:
Richard returns with the realization that in trying to escape the pain of living. Since long, as an escape, he has ventured into spiritual practices that have taken him to cosmic experiences. Afraid of returning to his body, and finding all the accumulated pain he escaped from, he asks how to surrender?
Maharishikaa explains to him that at some point, every seeker must take the next step - the time has come for Richard. Reminding him of his extraordinary ability to be disciplined, Maharishikaa empowers him to apply that discipline to the practice of being in This Present Moment. Encouraging him to enjoy living, she brings his attention to the rare experience that being embodied in this vast universe is.

Six weeks later, a new, joyous-looking Richard resurfaces - with immense gratitude to Maharishikaa for this new lease on life. Ready to take the next step, he asks how to concretely move into a state of giving to be able to help others?

Ever so compassionately showing him the way, Maharishikaa explains that it’s not about helping others, but opening his heart, and starting to be an instrument of the Truth, in service.

Maharishikaa inspires not only Richard, but everyone on the Satsang to start with these baby steps in the Saadhanaa of giving.

#Maharishikaa #Living #Joy

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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