4 months ago

Let’s do some math here.

Executive Order 13959 with National Emergency.

Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies.

An EO that “Biden” continued 4 years in a row. The PLAN did this. Not “Biden.”

Makes ZERO sense for “Biden” if “he” were real and actually President to continue…

Especially if President Trump is a threat to “democracy” and doesn’t need to be anywhere near Laws and Orders.

You know why President Trump appointed John Ratliffe?

👉🏻 He never lied about Hunter’s laptop.

“Kamala” on “debate.”

👉🏻 “Donald Trump

“She” bragged about Goldman Sachs as 1 of 2 endorsements.

Goldman Sachs has been HAMMERED by the SEC 2022, 2023, and 2024.

For NOT having a Contingency PLAN in place for investors.

They were also one of the MAIN components of the 2008 Financial Crisis.

The PLAN set that up perfectly.

He told you it was going to be 4 years.

LISTEN to the man. He tells you and validates the PLAN.

Properly = Laws and Orders.

“Everyone will see how bad they’ve done.”

Everyone saw the four years of President Trump what the SWAMP said could NEVER be done.

Everyone who doesn’t know anything about the PLAN ≈ Laws and Orders invoked, had to live through the worst economy to appreciate what’s coming.

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