No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 082 Part A: Fixing small nitpicks and adding an airplane

3 months ago

Streamed on 2024-11-13 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

With the newly updated Windows and OBS and a fully rebooted system I started out by retesting scene transitions. With my local machine audio behaving, things look pretty good. I tackled a number of small nitpicks, then moved on to the two major items for the day.

The first task was to refactor the Scheduler so it isn't destroyed and re-created during Scene transitions. I made it a simple namespace, so all the members and functions are static. I did start first with a slight variation of this where Scheduler was a purely static class inside the Scene, but things that are not Scenes also need access, so a private pure static class wasn't possible. At this point the power cord to my router was pulled and the rest of the stream continues in Part B.

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