SW France-based singer/songwriter Dick Grisdale of Lazarus Heights w/Pete Feenstra with “Papillon”!

3 months ago

SW France-based singer/songwriter Dick Grisdale of Lazarus Heights w/special guest Pete Feenstra of “Get Ready To Rock” talk about the latest release “Papillon” (“Butterfly”) featuring the title track, “Fall For You”, “Dry Martini”, “Dive”, “The Joker”, “Lazarus Heights” and more! Dick is a charismatic baritone vocalist, prolific guitarist, poetic lyricist who left the UK for France in ’87 and settled in Dordogne, later forming Lazarus Heights sharing his story about how he came to France and forming the band, plus the previous EP “Strangers” while sharing the stories behind the music, and Pete Feenstra of “Get Ready To Rock” gives us an update on his latest coming soon and where you find his show and more! Check out the amazing Dick Grisdale of Lazarus Heights on all major platforms today and catch Pete’s latest at www.getreadytorock.com today! #dickgrisdale #lazarusheights #petefeenstra #getreadytorock #papillon #butterfly #swfrance #dordogne #fallforyou #drymartini #thejoker #charismaticbaritone #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdickgrisdale #mikewagnerlazarusheights #themikewagnershowdickgrisdale #themikewagnershowlazarusheights #mikewagnerpetefeenstra #themikewagnershowpetefeenstra

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