TheDimNews LIVE: Trump Picking Admin: Tulsi, Tom Homan, Vivek, Elon, Matt Gaetz

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Ladies, fascism won last week. Our 3 letter agencies will be dismantled & the MSM shall be shuttered. Fat liberal women everywhere are evolving into shrieking thumbs. The God-Emperer has returned. :D
OakPoke Supporter+ Hopefully he's OK. seems healthy
OakPoke Supporter+ purrcy

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin Tabbington
OakPoke Supporter+ does petroleum jelly act as an insulator for the comb? might be a dream I had...
OakPoke Supporter+ I had issues with a Brown leghorn. big comb
OakPoke Supporter+ yep

Qriist Supporter+ Kash fucking rules

Qriist Supporter+ My guess is, the early production molds were made of lead before they understood the toxicity of lead.
OakPoke Supporter+ N Gram 100

Qriist Supporter+ Lead used to be way more common because it's such a soft metal.

thrasybulus Arrived. Catching up.

Qriist Supporter+ the beans might have a lower amount because of how the element concentrates

JQuickDraw Supporter They were trying to make sure everyone got their RDA value for vitamin Pb.

JQuickDraw Supporter Wait, you mean that fancy looking chef on the Lindt packaging isn't really a world class chocolatier?
OakPoke Supporter+ Dark Chocolate found to contain Rammstein

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly is like the Cotton Mather of grammar.

Qriist Supporter+ This story is just breaking Beverly from every conceivable angle lmao
OakPoke Supporter+ Helpful for women around that time of the month. Magnesium helping with the cramps. Decent amount of iron. Just don't consume with milk...

Qriist Supporter+ for example, lead dinner plates used to be *extremely* common
OakPoke Supporter+ Lead has to be more common now because of third world sourcing instead of having colonialism...

JQuickDraw Supporter If you want to mess with Beverly, write a factual article and leave out details, then add some grammatical errors to it.
OakPoke Supporter+ the calcium binds to the irion, i think interferes with the magnesium as well (from memory)

thrasybulus Caught up.
OakPoke Supporter+ Maybe if you consume milk with dark chocolate, it'll prevent absorption of the lead too? Idk

Qriist Supporter+ John

JQuickDraw Supporter So if you don't want Superman to see you, cover yourself in dark chocolate. And even if it doesn't work, do it anyway. And record yourself doing for TikTok.
OakPoke Supporter+ smart @JQuickDraw .

thrasybulus Just ask the Venetians about the Doge.

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke r+thinking

thrasybulus Homer Jay Simpson

thrasybulus @HillbillyLiteratish Venetians aka People of Venice.

thrasybulus Just look up Doge of Venice.

Qriist Supporter+ CE is a Gundam timeline

JQuickDraw Supporter Thomas Jefferson: "I've written the Declaration of Independence, the most important document of our time. Please distribute it to all patriots." Beverly: "Uhh, this has typos and spelling errors and..

thrasybulus If she drowns she wasn't a witch.

Qriist Supporter+ "No matter what, women are gonna die." Everybody wins!

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist You're so mean. Not a judgement, just an observation.

thrasybulus Squirrel and Moose are our greatest enemy. - Boris to Natasha who answers, "Just Moose now."

JQuickDraw Supporter Fuentas needs to straighten that ringer. It's crooked.
OakPoke Supporter+ Sadly nick hasn't done a show since he maced her... she drops phone, he picks it up, gives to to police later

thrasybulus Odds NF had No Trespassing sign(s)?
OakPoke Supporter+ she posted bis address online. I think she is the one who doxxed him
OakPoke Supporter+ she had been in front of his house for a bit... she has holes in her story. Who knows

Qriist Supporter+ stuttled

thrasybulus Woman on farm has dirty hoodie? Like she actually does work?

purpletiger69 In the 80s everyones address was in the phone book unless you paid to delist it also your phone number too

Qriist Supporter+ Online speech, alone, cannot run afoul of harassment laws.

Qriist Supporter+ (in the US)

Qriist Supporter+ oh yeah, social condemnation is fine

thrasybulus Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome priest?
OakPoke Supporter+ Right wing dissidents don't have rights. Course, Tucker is mainstream and thr freaks at his house.

Qriist Supporter+ what the fuck are you watching
OakPoke Supporter+ in the 80s, America was a high trust white society too...

thrasybulus Dear, you want to get into kinky stuff? Fine, we'll try cuckqueaning. Another woman will taunt you while she has sex with me.

thrasybulus Pitchforks and torces for everyone!

Qriist Supporter+ Making doxxing illegal would make it protected by the 4th Amendment, imo. That's a massive legal restructure.

purpletiger69 More messed up people are out there since the closed the asYLUMS

Qriist Supporter+ "who?" YOU lmao

thrasybulus Fringe people used to have to find an ad in a fringe topic magazine.

purpletiger69 I do not agree with Doxxing at all it is just how it was in the 80s and yes people are carzier and less of them are in Asylums or getting help now

thrasybulus The Closer: a below average network cop show from over a decade ago.

JQuickDraw Supporter The freaks were kicked off Tumblr and the 4 horseman destroyed religion. "Hey, you got your blue hair in my rabid tribalism!" "Hey you got your rabid tribalism in my blue hair!" Two great tastes...

Qriist Supporter+ because the concept of an address become private, not public

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Tumblr is a caption porn site isn't it?

Qriist Supporter+ the government issued your SSN, they didn't issue your addess

JQuickDraw Supporter Guys, I think the real culprit on this doxxing issue is the same one we always deal with - government. Seems like a pattern here.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Yeah, lots of GIF porn images

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm usually half a decade behind in my "feel" of the era. Next year it will finally feel to me like it's the 2020s, and no longer the 2010s.

Qriist Supporter+ i'm still living my best 90's life

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist You're a fine young cannibal.

thrasybulus @Qriist How's your aol dial-up?

OakPoke Supporter+ Dial up was pretty great tbh, as AOL was great

Qriist Supporter+ otherwise pretty speedy

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist

Qriist Supporter+ Beverly was a DID tiktokker before it was cool
OakPoke Supporter+ The local chat rooms :). I kind of fought a guy from a chat room, met some women too. Good times...

thrasybulus ICQ > AIM

thrasybulus AOL jokes were plentiful in the 90s.
OakPoke Supporter+ Nice

JQuickDraw Supporter I've already seen a couple of youtubers starting to make videos more geared to the right. I think winning the popular vote made them think, "Oh, there 's more of them. I need to pander that way now."
OakPoke Supporter+ Interesting. I know so few who are still on youtube. They purged sooo many over the years. I mean they even took Molyneux off. Crazy

Qriist Supporter+ some of the reason for the "part time-ness" of Congress was just travel time

thrasybulus Didn't Betsy De Vos just say she wants to oversee the abolition into the Department of Education?

thrasybulus of not into

thrasybulus Not ALL women.

thrasybulus Look up "foreign medical graduate".

thrasybulus Wait until the FBI finds out Sean Spicer accurately predicted the electoral college count weeks in advance.

thrasybulus I've met enough stupid professors. Most universities could easily abolish multiple departments and drastically improve their schooling.

Qriist Supporter+ Texas is running a pilot program where their doctors don't need degrees. It's called Doctors without Bachelors.

Qriist Supporter+ I hear talks that they might abort the program though.

thrasybulus Back in the day to teach K-12 all by yourself in a one room schoolhouse was equivalent to an associates and passing a state exam. Imagine being an 18 year old school teacher in the 1930s.

Qriist Supporter+ yes

Qriist Supporter+ Dmed you

Guyinroom83 18 year old teacher? @thrasybulus

TunedToKey Supporter Hello my fellow garbage

Qriist Supporter+ TTK!

TunedToKey Supporter Sup Qriist

thrasybulus @Guyinroom83 Graduate HS at 16, 2 years later you could have your AA equiv and cert, back out into the world as a teacher.

TunedToKey Supporter My brother told me you guys still didn't get the part on Warframe

Qriist Supporter+ your impostor was a gem to play with. He's a solid player.

Qriist Supporter+ and nope we didn't get the piece.

TunedToKey Supporter I learned everything from him about frame

TunedToKey Supporter Me - Let me check in on the DimSide Beverly - "ONE OF MY ANIMALS IS ACTING HORNY!"

Guyinroom83 I feell like Erl is pretending to read chat, but actually playing stardew

Guyinroom83 there has been a torrential pouring of twats since last week

Guyinroom83 twat overload

Guyinroom83 there's a mod to make the chickens fuckable

Qriist Supporter+ it's been glorious sodium harvest

Qriist Supporter+ I'm glad I clarified that I was talking about harvesting salt, and it couldn't be easy misconstrued to praising the fuckable chicken harvest.

thrasybulus I have a silo, it came free with the ICBM mister Bond.

Guyinroom83 jk, but probably there is.

Guyinroom83 yeah i remember the RE 4 remake had those mods

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly said that with serious creeper vibes. "Gonna look into THAT later."

Qriist Supporter+ you could backup your save first

Guyinroom83 lol

Guyinroom83 do people only play stardew to whore out with every character?

Qriist Supporter+ apparently it's PG Porn

Guyinroom83 Fuckable Chicken Harvest on tour now

Guyinroom83 elliot page is in it? cool
OakPoke Supporter+ Is that what the rabbis do to their sin chickens before they kill them? Sick
OakPoke Supporter+ Sometimes I click send and think ...that's a bit too much. Can't undo it

Guyinroom83 you dont wanna know what they do in those tunnels too, Oak
OakPoke Supporter+ 100 percent accurate. We all wonder about the stain on that mattress...

Guyinroom83 I sometimes wish I was jewish though, bc they have like 5 holidays per week

Qriist Supporter+ Beverly's turning into a wine mom

Guyinroom83 more like Side-ho Valley
OakPoke Supporter+ They do have a LOT of many are about exterminating another peoples, though. kinda ironic.

Qriist Supporter+ at least 3rd time in the last 4 elections

Guyinroom83 polycule valley

thrasybulus Eyes won't stay open even to look at twats. Night.

Qriist Supporter+ 2018, 2020, 2024. Not sure about 2022

Guyinroom83 the left after election day: "you know what? hispanics are gross, actually and should be deported now"

Guyinroom83 well they kinda don't look like you though

Qriist Supporter+ I think she's my favorite crazy-eyed butterball rn

Guyinroom83 i wonder if hitler also said 'history will not be kind to you'

Qriist Supporter+ I know Viva Frei records in the car to get a few minutes of quiet away from his kids.
OakPoke Supporter+ Viva frei must have a thing for Reikeita's wife

JQuickDraw Supporter Carjacking isn't just stealing, in my understanding. You're stealing it with the person still in the car, and those situations often escalate to kidnapping and murder.
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw We had next to zero carjackings as recently as like 2020....we have TONS of them now...

Qriist Supporter+ no the DC thing is different

Qriist Supporter+ they were juveniles
OakPoke Supporter+ police aren't allowed to chase unless like...a weapon was used, maybe has to be a firearm i forget

Qriist Supporter+ not tried as adults
OakPoke Supporter+ we're so fucked, or have been...if they do it in a red county, and they do , but they will do it close to the blue area
OakPoke Supporter+ and just run for the border so they won't be chased...

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator She mentioned teenagers, that's why I brought it up

Qriist Supporter+ right, but they still got something like 7 years, until they were 21

Qriist Supporter+ (iirc, anyways)

Guyinroom83 lmao

Guyinroom83 i love this take

Guyinroom83 people try to be a leftist rogan, and guess what, they don't succeed. look at destiny, vaush whatever, they're fucking creeps

Guyinroom83 the new right with trump is almost not the right wing. i think shit is really changing now

JQuickDraw Supporter Vaush isn't left wing. He's an opportunist and a sociopath. He says whatever he needs to say.

Guyinroom83 stardew has a 'suck n fuck' mod where there's no farming at all ... just suckin' n fuckin'

Qriist Supporter+ "too big to rig" became a thing

Guyinroom83 they did NOT count on the minority trump vote

Guyinroom83 i read an article with a harris voting woman who 'canceled thanksgiving' but her husband is latino, him and his whole family voted trump

Guyinroom83 he did want a harris win though, i think. i dont know much about him besides the .. horse stuff @JQuickDraw

Qriist Supporter+ That endorsement from Biden was apparently intentional sabotage.

Qriist Supporter+ bitch is part of the executive, which means he serves at the President's leisure

JQuickDraw Supporter She should move to New Gynocopia.

Qriist Supporter+ I'd guess you probably speak to young men in German.

Guyinroom83 dude, people hate your party. you are fake, and you can't be authentic. at least obama was good at coming off like a human

Guyinroom83 they can't find anyone that good anymore

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Really? Obama always reminded me of Baraka from Mortal Kombat.

Guyinroom83 everyone loved him, he clearly had charisma even though I didn't buy it either at the time @JQuickDraw

Guyinroom83 for ex, obama can do podcasts, he could do rogan. Kamala just sucks and can't for some reason @JQuickDraw

Qriist Supporter+ Luna is BRAT

JQuickDraw Supporter FBI: "We are aware of problematic texts and posts. We are watching." Me: "Faggots."

Guyinroom83 lol

Guyinroom83 LITRELLY.

Guyinroom83 like whatshisname on parks and rec
OakPoke Supporter+ Ron Swanson
OakPoke Supporter+ Or the indian guy

Guyinroom83 rob lowe?

Guyinroom83 i think it was parks and rec

Guyinroom83 how do you guys feel about trump being the LAST PRESIDENT. no more elections now.

JQuickDraw Supporter "I don't plan on cutting them off right now. I mean, they let me live here rent free and eat their food, so there's that."

Qriist Supporter+ "women" on reddit

Guyinroom83 civil war but between women and men

Guyinroom83 Vance goes in, then he's in till vance dies. after that, idk

Guyinroom83 ha. this guy

Guyinroom83 you can tell he's a great writer
OakPoke Supporter+ If trump deports 50 to 100 million people and wants to stay in, i'll fight for him

Guyinroom83 TRUMP 2: this time, he means it.

purpletiger69 Good night all

Guyinroom83 g'night

Qriist Supporter+ narchy ftw
OakPoke Supporter+ Democracy, the God That Failed. HHH aka hans happe

Qriist Supporter+ him bringing Vivek and Elon in is a great strat

Qriist Supporter+ mainly because they are *also* already billionaires

Guyinroom83 billionaires BAD! (only if they like trump tho)

Qriist Supporter+ same with the Zuck bucks in 2020

Guyinroom83 Bezos does all kinds of DOD stuff

Guyinroom83 and bought the wash post

Guyinroom83 i kept hearing 'trumps a failed businessman' in 2016
OakPoke Supporter+ I think Twitter (x) has an Indian problem...I had my account permanently suspended and i have no clue why...Only thing I did differently was ask about Indians invading canada and their weird customs
OakPoke Supporter+ I mean to say, i have no clue what i did wrong...the indian thing is all i could think of that i did differently.

Qriist Supporter+ Autistic billionaire Elon summons up the Megazord when?

Qriist Supporter+ "Mastadon! Pteradactyl! Triceratops! Sabertooth Tiger! PayPalasarus!

Qriist Supporter+ then the green ranger shows up and summons the DOGEazord

Guyinroom83 i can pick mine up too. i think male cats are more chill. ive been hissed at by many female cats

Guyinroom83 lmao

Guyinroom83 is jesse singal? probably.
OakPoke Supporter+ Reason I mentioned Indians, is Leonarda Jonie (famous comedian) had her account permanently suspended after making fun of indians.

Guyinroom83 yeah, they are probably 99% of all IT workers after all @Oak

Qriist Supporter+ the tweet was: It is 1933. Hitler is in power. No time for a fucking seminar on Democrats messaging errors
OakPoke Supporter+ I HATE Podhoretz...I can't believe he's going after Rubin

Guyinroom83 because everyone, everywhere KNEW hitler was gonna be all hitler-y right away.

Guyinroom83 and they warned people yet they still 'voted' for hitler
OakPoke Supporter+ At least Podhoretz's father could write...

Guyinroom83 !!!!

Guyinroom83 wanting a recount, interesting.

Guyinroom83 LMAO
OakPoke Supporter+ "Get out your coping saw."

Guyinroom83 this seems like a skit now

Qriist Supporter+ I can't have any ice cream, she ate all of my lead-free stock.

JQuickDraw Supporter Jabba the Sloth

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

Guyinroom83 thats a big issue i have with the woke left. they encourage being a sloth, never exercising, etc

Guyinroom83 just let yourself grow and grow.

Qriist Supporter+ instructions unclear, drank a whole case of Pepsi to celebrate

Guyinroom83 'its ok to not be ok'

Guyinroom83 take a vaccine. dont exercise. take more meds, keep eatin'.
OakPoke Supporter+ Maybe it's time we all start taking Creatine.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Creatine doesn't have as many health benefits for women.
OakPoke Supporter+ Sure it does!
OakPoke Supporter+ good for muscle, supposedly good for the brain
OakPoke Supporter+ (maybe more)
OakPoke Supporter+ apparently for mood and i think overall brain function...what i'm saying is the non strength/muscle stuff isn't as well studied, newer
OakPoke Supporter+ Stop swearing so much, ladies
OakPoke Supporter+ yelling, swearing, annoying in car

Guyinroom83 nah. its just a trend i think or they're embarassed to do it at home

Guyinroom83 like how people sing loud in a car, maybe?
OakPoke Supporter+ the lighting is probably much better in the car

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator No, most of those brain and mood benefits weren't shown for women in studies to be statistically significant.

Qriist Supporter+ it was a murder

Qriist Supporter+ the woman kept the baby in the toilet for hours

Guyinroom83 but kamala promised abortion parties for all

Qriist Supporter+ I believe the major cause of death for that baby was hypothermia

Qriist Supporter+ (didn't look deep into it, might be wrong)

Guyinroom83 ha i remember that clip

Guyinroom83 what IF covid was worse?

Guyinroom83 one of my fav clips was neil degrasse tyson saying we all have a 'social contract' to not get other people sick, so the vax should be mandatory

Qriist Supporter+ that certainly was a thing he did write, yup
OakPoke Supporter+ Not for women (yet) eh? I know it's pretty early on for mood stuff
OakPoke Supporter+ The trench chaot mafia lady isn't too bad

Guyinroom83 it has to be a tiktok trend

Qriist Supporter+ that makeup(?) company uses that channel as PR fun to get their brand out. from what I can tell pretty much every video is random.
OakPoke Supporter+ @Alex there must be conflicting data, as there is one study where women experienced a larger exercise benefit than men. 15 percent increase compared to 6. There is a lot out there

Guyinroom83 i honestly feel quite bad for college aged people right now, mostly the guys. but also the girls bc they made themselves delusional

Guyinroom83 make america stardew.
OakPoke Supporter+ Oh i'm sorry I didn't catch that.

Qriist Supporter+ plz bring back the tweet character limit

Guyinroom83 you know what? this changed my mind. should've voted kamala. will now jump off a bridge.

Qriist Supporter+ we're stripping women? I'm in.

Guyinroom83 ok actually, its kind ahilarious she clearly is paying for a premium X account, owned by trump pal Musk

Guyinroom83 oh wow. she thinks all mexicans pick fruit

Guyinroom83 lmao

Qriist Supporter+ but but but I call him 🍊 all the time

Qriist Supporter+ leftists understanding 2nd/3rd/4th order effects challege: IMPOSSIBLE

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

Qriist Supporter+ I like how this dude is pro-child labor

JQuickDraw Supporter He seems to be arguing FOR slave labor.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Yeah, pro-outsourcing human rights and labor violations.

Qriist Supporter+ they did

Qriist Supporter+ but

Qriist Supporter+ idk wtf he's getting at

JQuickDraw Supporter Laura "Bush"

JQuickDraw Supporter Mary Lincoln "Bod"

JQuickDraw Supporter Hillary --- never mind

Qriist Supporter+ Hillary "Rodham" Clinton

Qriist Supporter+ lol @JQuickDraw

Qriist Supporter+ 20 million in debt

Guyinroom83 same

Guyinroom83 eh. i divide up movies sometimes now

Guyinroom83 i did it with dune part 2

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator ditto

Guyinroom83 and it was fine
OakPoke Supporter+ Orange is the new (black) hitler
OakPoke Supporter+ Don't forget to take your daily dose (5 grams) of creatine.
OakPoke Supporter+ Did right wingers really enjoy Man in the high castle or was it a troll?

Qriist Supporter+ dunno about the book, but I liked the first 3 seasons of the show

Qriist Supporter+ the last season went super commie
OakPoke Supporter+ That makes sense @Qrilst
OakPoke Supporter+ Was the book based?
OakPoke Supporter+ lol

Guyinroom83 i didnt finish that book

Guyinroom83 but i read like 10 of his others

Guyinroom83 theyre great, and short

Qriist Supporter+ livestream your roadtrip lol
OakPoke Supporter+ Great idea.
OakPoke Supporter+ Prism should work

Qriist Supporter+ thanks for the stream

Qriist Supporter+ sleep well

Qriist Supporter+ don't die
OakPoke Supporter+ Good night and God bless. Later alligators.
OakPoke Supporter+ 07

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