Our Reality Behind the Glamour - A personal share

3 months ago

Hi Soulfamily, This is a Candid share that I recorded yesterday in which I shed some light about how much we go through in our personal lives, behind the camera.

We too, just like you all, are navigating SO MUCH intensity in different forms, more than we talk about or show on YouTube. Over the last few years especially, we have become SOLID in our self-mastery and have learnt to navigate the 3D-Density with ease and grace, working actively on raising our vibration and being of service to humanity without allowing ANY DISTRACTIONS to bog us down, and to do JUSTICE to the Divine Authority we have been gifted with.

Truth be told, I almost didn't upload this video thinking it wasn't that important, and I told myself I would make the SAME video but in a more "prepared' way, but this morning felt a strong calling to share this, raw and unfiltered :-)

I love you all unconditionally. Unconditional love goes deeper than most of you realize. It is showing up, time and again to serve you while showing you your blindspots without having any expectations of you or wanting to be "liked" by you. It is bringing you hard teachings, even at the risk of triggering some of you. It is being able to hold space from afar, watching you with utmost joy and reverence as you go through your own personal journeys, even when you often PROJECT blame, ingratitude, negativity, or even gossip towards us because you don't fully understand how deep our love goes. It is making hard decisions that may hurt some of you but staying FULLY rooted in the knowingness that these hard decisions are very much needed. It is keeping our FOCUS steadfast on the "MISSION", our divine service of serving Prime Creator, and assisting with the Ascension of humanity, and not allowing *ANY* distractions or lower frequencies to weaken our defences, or sway us off the path.

I wish the very best for every single one of you. I want more for you than many of you want for yourself, and I will continue sharing my raw, authentic, sometimes hard-to-digest perspectives because I know what I'm doing, I can see where I'm going and want you there with me xoxo.

With love,

Dec 4, 2022

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