The Fall Of Metatron, Ruby Order, Eye of Brahman

3 months ago

This system we're in was hyjacked long ago, to bring about a certain event. The parasitic force controlling this system is cut off from the original creative force. This was the " Fall ", of a being, which was actually a collective of many beings, because of their actions. This left their evolving ascension impossible, it meant going back to " source " & basically starting again. This wasn't agreeable to them, & so they began perverting & inverting this matrix with life that needed sustenance to survive, from other life forms, which isn't " natural ". The end game, after many loops, is having their own Matrix with life connected to source on one hand, but corrupted through genetic modifications on the other, so they need to kill to survive, this creates the energy they're leaching off. I will stop going anymore into this because it's so vast & deep. I cannot explain in a few paragraphs but i highly recommend both Voyager books by Ashayana Deane, & her workshops or lectures, if you can find them. Her work isn't easy to find in my experience, but this theory aligns with much ive learned & resonates on a deeper level than book knowledge, though both inner wisdom & " book smarts " are needed to get to the truth.

I've noticed folks using just one way of learning & trying to get to the bottom of everything, yet struggle with their discernment. I can see how it leaves them either easily fooled by positive spirituality, or completely mocking, & egotistically being overly sceptical, regarding anything not physical, even though they have never researched any esoteric topics on any level lol.

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