The Department of Education's 40-Year Failure: A Case for State Control and Homeschooling

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In this revealing live stream, we expose the stark truth about the U.S. Department of Education: a bureaucratic behemoth that, over its 40+ year history, has overseen the consistent decline of America's educational standards. We'll dissect how this centralized control has failed our children, leading to lower literacy, diminished math skills, and a general erosion of educational quality. Tune in to understand why dismantling this department could be the key to a brighter future for our kids. We'll discuss the liberating potential of returning educational authority to the states, and the even more promising horizon of widespread homeschooling, where personalized learning could lead to unprecedented academic achievements. Join us as we champion a future where education is tailored by those who know our children best, not dictated by distant federal mandates.

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