Husband won't pick up shovel to help wife in the garden. Here's why.

6 years ago

It's a hot day in Millbrook, Ontario. In fact it's a heat wave and the temperature today is the hottest on record this year. That doesn't stop Kristy from going out to her garden to weed, plant, and mulch though. Her husband Dave really appreciates her effort and her dedication. He also appreciates the piles of fresh vegetables that she gets from her garden every day.

Most of all, Dave appreciates that Kristy has planted more than 20 hot pepper plants. There are ghost peppers, trinidad scorpions, and even Carolina reapers. Kristy even filmed Dave and made a video of him trying to eat a whole Trinidad scorpion right off the vine.

Dave knows how good he's got it and he decides that he better do something to help Kristy on such a hot day. You'd think he would get out there with a shovel and join her in her war on the weeds. Or maybe he should pick up the pitch fork and help her spread some mulch around. But Dave is convinced that there is something that will put a smile on Kristy's face more than any amount of typical garden work.

Dave gets his drone, a length of string, and a Haagen-Dazs ice cream bar. With the thermometer at its highest, Kristy deserves a cool treat. She also likes to laugh and Dave thinks that flying in a frozen snack will make her chuckle. To record her reaction, Dave first clamps a hidden camera on the low hanging branch of a little crabapple tree right beside her pepper patch.

The drone lifts off and the camera shows the ice cream bar dangling twenty feet below. With a little effort, Dave gets the drone above Kristy and she looks up to see what's coming. She knows right away that it's something good and she waves at it to come closer. Dave isn't impressing her with his flying ability though and his drone drifts all over before he finally gets it right. He almost lowers it into a wheelbarrow full of cow manure. Kristy unclips the treat and waves appreciatively.

The camera in the tree captures the loud buzzing of the drone as it approaches but you can still hear Kristy laughing at Dave's unique idea of how to help her with her work.

Dave and Kristy refuse to grow up. She has put him up to such things as eating the hot pepper, eating spaghetti on a wake board, and even shaving while riding a wake board. She's likely not really surprised to see something like this.

After putting away the drone, Dave actually did get to work and he helped her finish the weeding and the mulching.

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