Thankfulness Is Soul Good

1 month ago

Are you Thankful? Are you Grateful? It is so good for our soul to have a saturation of thanks. What does having a thankful soul do for us. Well… Gratefulness is our pathway to peace. Peace is very important, because we are led by it. Have you ever made a choice before where you did not have peace? Think about it. Think about the times you made a choice and felt confident and good about it, you will remember that there was peace, the peace of God. We are led by peace, therefore we are led by God.

When I think of what I am most thankful for, it is all God centered. We have those little miracles that happen everyday, and then there are those HUGE, BIG things where God intervenes in ways we could never have imagined or expected, or hoped for.

So Yes, I am thankful for our God. He walks with us. He does life with us. How amazing is that?! God is personal with us. We can have a one on one relationship with Him. Heart To Heart. This is what I am thankful for. The cool thing is we can be more alert to God, to His Presence in our lives. He is doing great things and we want to be in step with what God is doing.

Our God is with us, our God is Present with us, we need to be Present with Him. Think on that. What will it take for you to be more aware of God being with You? Well, I believe it starts with being thankful. Speaking thankfulness for the things you know without a doubt, God is doing in your day. Be Awe-God Grateful. Be thankful for the things God is purposefully working out for your good… you will find as you do that, you will see and experience more of God’s hand at work in your life. Be grateful God has not left us alone, He has not forsaken us, and He is walking out our life with us. God does life with us. Be grateful for this. He is real. He is personal, be thankful for that.

I have seen God do things that no human being could ever do or accomplish, it overwhelms me with Praise and thanks for God. So be more alert to what God is doing, and be thankful, be so very grateful. You will find that as your soul fills up with gratefulness, you will walk with such peace in your life, and peace will lead to joy, and joy to hope. How awesome is that? It begins with just being grateful in your daily life, expressing thanks to God. Hope you have an Awe-GOD grateful day.

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