Lex Luthor: Redgum Church. Bairnsdale. Victoria. Australia.

1 month ago

Idol Shepherd who is scattering his flock.

What a bloody Fool of a man.

"Sprinkle a bit of Lex on it". His words exactly.

Says in part one of his Holy Spirit series. August 2023.

That Jesus only came to die on a cross for you to change your mind exclusively from your current ways (Repent) and enter Gods Kingdom now.

According to Lex Luther (Sin is a dirty word that condemns people unjustly he doesn't mention it) might give people mental health issues for people to realize they are morally and spiritually bankrupt before a Holy God.

He has said we want a Great church and don't want to embarrass anybody.

(And that attitude always comes at great cost to the telling the truth of Gods Word Genesis to Revelation King James Bible in context.)

He downplays just outright Skips what John the Baptist did when he called for Repentance and for sinners to flee the Wrath to Come. John called people to be Baptized for the remission of Sins.

And then Luthor spins "stories" and fables on how Christians have it so wrong to this point in regards as to why Jesus went to the cross to die. News Flash Lex:
That being for the Sins of the World and a get out of Hell eternal option for the believer in Jesus Christ.

The congregation says nothing. No one is reading their KJB alongside his wicked fables and fleshly story telling and correcting him according to Scripture.

Churches that sing Apostate NAR Music or catholic endorsed music end up adopting their Hellish teachings also.
Sutley and overtly.

Jesus said: Let No Man Deceive You By Any Means.

Suttle Serpent is at work in the Churches,

At the ADVENT of that Man of Sin, the Son Of Perdition born 1961.

The church will and has gone into Apostasy.

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