The 2024 Election end MAP! it was rigged with NO ID so Kamala Harris Illgales could vote!

3 months ago

That is correct ALL states Kamala Harris supposedly won were ALL RIGGED! in Harris favor BUT Really Donald J Trump had a total 50 state win. this would have been a TOTAL Ronald Reagan 49 out of the 50 state LANDSLIDE victory FOR the Donald if this 2024 election wasn't RIGGED!!

It looks like Trump will be CORRECTING this RIGGING the elections by the COMMY left COMMY Democrats once & for ALL. Voter federal voter ID in all 50 states as it always should have been! BUILD the rest of the wall, BUILD baby BUILD! to keep the COMMY country's people out of America! keeping all these FELONS, criminals, MURDERS & RAPIST OFF our American soil!
THEN have the MASSIVE deportation! Illegals GO HOME! Kamala Harris is now PROVEN the WORST person to EVER be VP, THE WORST person to cause the total INSURRECTION on our America ever! THE WORST Boarder Czar on record! the WORST HATER for America & her American people LAST agenda! telling NC to go screw themselves when NC NEEDED HELP via FEMA while she spent the money on the OPEN boarder ILLEGALS. its NOT just her:
Barack & his BOYFRIEND BIG mike Obama ran her rally's while she GOT totally BOOED off stage here in Kalamazoo MI at Wings stadium!!!! Big Mike Obama totally lie his girly acting self to harris supporters! for BOOing her off the stage!

Barack tried to LIE to his black followers saying how great harris is & how great she ran her champagne: NEVER answering any question cuz she is too STUPID oh but I was middle class!! then Barack tried to lay a GUILT Trip on his black followers by saying they would not vote for her because of her gender! what an ASS wipe Barack is! an ass wipe is something worth-less like an Obama! or a biden! or a Carter or a Clinton! they all TRIED to ruin America!
The last democrat that was good was JFK 1963 when he got MURDERED! I turned 6 that year I remember that like it was yesterday!

Bill Clinton a Draft dodger & COKE pot head the 3rd & last president to be impeached got away with RAPE in the white house & ly'in under oath with a slap on the wee wee & impeachment but Bill & Hill still got away with TREASON: with the Clinton foundation a money laundering scam in the white house: did you know the Clinton's made the most money of ALL other presidents combined!! Clinton's made over $350 MILLION dollars during presidency with there Money laundering SCAM Clinton foundation while president. Hillary got 4 military MURDERED in Bosnia because Hillary was NOT there for them! Hillary has the WORST government record of any one!

The Clinton's went to Pedophile Island the MOST Jeffrey Epstein laptop PROVED it to the NYPD. Kamala Harris was Diddy's LOVER! she spent over 5 million to cover it up! not just that Harris OPEN boarders made the boarders vary dangerous for both America & the bordering country's people plus vary dangerous for 85% of the illegals that crossed our boarders because they ARE Illegal. 85% of the women & small children got & still get RAPED at the boarder! or got/get KILLED while being RAPED!!! did Harris do anything? NO of course NOT she is only there to collect a pay check & SCREW the American people! she has always been a TOTAL LIAR! if I KNOW all this you don't think she does!!!

Kamala Harris belongs in PRISON for the 30 MILLION Felony's she committed SKIPPING Americas IMMIGRATION! that is a total Federal Offense. harris is a Criminal over 30 million times!

WHY is it ok for COMMY democrat to be ABOVE the LAW & skip America's IMMIGRATION LAW of our LAND!!!!
Trump will be getting RID of ALL the ILLEGAL sanctuary city's along with getting RID of them by MASS MEGA DEPORTATION! DEPORT baby DEPORT, DRILL BABY DRILL & Build baby BUILD that wall! YES USA, USA, USA America is coming back to your town once again! your city & your state!

WE the PEOPLE should have deported the ROOT cause of MASS WAIST, MASS ILLEGALS & MASS ELECTION FRAUD interference by DEPORTING the COMMYS out of America! COMMY democrats. WE DID it in 1776 with the COMMY British!

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