11/12/24 card: reach out

3 months ago

I struggle with asking for help - as if it’s somehow a signal of weakness or being incapable. I also struggle with accepting help when it is offered - thinking the other person has better things to do with their time and resources. What I forget is being of service to others is a gift that benefits both people, and when I reject an offer of help I am also denying that person the opportunity to be of service.

Today’s journal prompt: what prevents me from asking for or accepting help from others? Is it different if the help comes anonymously? Why?

#reachout #askforhelp #accepthelp #help #service #oraclecards #spirituality #selfawareness #journaling #journalprompt #growth #12steps

I use oracle cards as journal prompts and for daily reflection to guide spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Follow me on Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube, TikTok, and Rumble: @planetbuchanan. Or visit my website: planetbuchanan.com

Blessings. ❤️

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