It Wasn't The Revenge Of The Working Class Voter In 2024… It Was Something Much Worse For Democrats

3 months ago

Posted • November 12, 2024: In 2016, it was the revenge of the white working-class voter and the forgotten American. Hillary Clinton also failed to realize she was bleeding with a crucial voter group until it was too late. Yet, Trump lost the popular vote, which gave woke leftists and far-left loons a crutch to make their case that identitarian politics, transanity, and other whacko action items should remain front and center of Democrats’ messaging to voters. The 2022 midterms brought the red mirage, where pollsters oversampled Republicans, leading to an epic underperformance by Republicans in what was supposed to be a tsunami cycle. When polls showed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in trouble, or at the very least not where they should be against a man liberals view as Satan incarnate, they leaned on the midterms.

Any political analyst knows a midterm election and a presidential contest are two different beasts, which led to adding another layer of density to this liberal academic bubble where reality and facts don’t exist. Liberals thought Florida was in play, and Kamala would win it. Yet, it’s the Trump supporter who is ignorant. No, it’s the American liberal who is the true mental invalid, too stupid to differentiate what is a bad idea and too condescending and self-righteous to admit total and complete defeat. For these liberals, they needn’t look far regarding where Trump made his most significant gains. It’s right in their wealthy enclaves. -- Steve Kornacki on MSNBC is highlighting a profound transformation: Trump has reshaped the Republican Party, pulling support from unexpected places and reconfiguring traditional Democrat bases in ways that no other Republican has done in decades.

That’s right—Trump ran up the score in rural America, but his most extensive and, for now, where he made his decisive gains was in America's rich, urban, and suburban areas. The MAGA tsunami washed ashore and breached these liberal enclaves. If true, what a repudiation of the Democratic Party. If it holds, we’re talking Republican rule for the foreseeable future, at least through 2028. (…)

• More at: Townhall - It Wasn't the Revenge of the Working Class Voter in 2024. It Was Something Much Worse for Dems.
PJ Media: The Red Wave Continues: Republicans Will Keep Control of the House
Washington Post: The Trump voter shift that should alarm Democrats most

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