Ray-cyst Woman Threatens White People, Lives To Regret It

2 months ago

~Mody Speaks

Great video from Mody, well done!

The liberals left are brainwashed by hatred and bigotry by the media and left-wing governments who got caught committing covid jab genocide and other crimes against humanity, but these Godless, soulless specimens of low-life cannot see that it is them who are guilty of all the things they claim as traits of others. So these racist scumbag that feeds off the spoon of capitalism is a dumbs who for the past 5 years has supported the worldwide onset of communism. These dumbs fools will be stained for the rest of their lives for what they have done and said to so many innocent people, people who unselfishly showed great courage to fight a worldwide enemy of globalist communists, many of whom are not just pedophiles but satanic ritual abusers of children. This scumbag lost her job not because of Trump supporters, but because of her racism, a woman (presumably) whose arrogance and ignorance is off the chart.

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