#1 Creating a Culture of Health: The Path to Wellness

3 months ago

What is the way to live What is the way to eat How to keep our body How to keep our mind How to keep our breath How to keep the atmosphere around us If this culture is not brought into us from our childhood I would say it must be brought into the school curriculum itself it must be brought in healthful ways of living because if you do not build healthy people You're going to have educated and sick people and you're going to build a nation or a world out of it With sick people you're not going to build a great nation you can only build a sick nation and that is happening across the world The major nations are suffering enormous amount of illnesses The most affluent countries who have no nutritional problems okay India's half the problem are nutritional problems Right from their childhood they've not eaten properly Affluent nations who have a choice of nourishment Look at the level of health issues they have That should not exist at all When they have choice of nourishment they should not have… I would say 80 percent of the people should not have any health issues till they die When 20 percent 25 percent will get something infections will come because of close proximity those are different But these are all on self-help People are on self-help to create ailments for themselves This can be one hundred percent taken away if we establish a culture of health for which I think not just medical professionals people from various other areas have to work together to make this happen I don't see any major synergy like that right now Small efforts are happening here and there but that's not enough It's good but it's not enough Sadhguru majority of the people who fall sick it's primarily because they led a life which would definitely land them in trouble But Thousands of children are born in this country like any other part of the world with cardiac problem with cancer all kinds of problems It is not their fault Why it happens It shouldn't have happened You know six million Toyota cars were withdrawn last year for defective… whatever and about nine million General Motors withdrawn for ignition problems So manufacturing defect Only problem is you can't withdraw them Actually nature is trying to withdraw them We are not allowing it There was a time we would allow the nature to withdraw Yes

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